Barnacre Reservoir.

Paul IddonPaul Iddon Registered Users Posts: 5,129 Major grins
edited September 22, 2008 in Landscapes
Went up to the United Utilities ressies at Barnacre on Sunday and got a few images.

Not all strictly landscapes, but I didn't want to split the images up.

In the woods, they obviously do some sort of hunting, whether its pheasant and foxes perhaps, I don't know. I only saw birds.


Tried one of them romantic sun in the trees pics; failed miserably.


The water on was nice and flat, just a few ripples on the reservoir.


The house at the back of the site is really nice, and I'm sure worth a lot of money!


I was waiting for the sun to go down to get something and as the light began to drop I looked at the hills nearby:


Then the sunlight fell low on the horizon south of Nicky Nook (an old lookout point):




The last shot was of the fisherman I passed on the way back to the car at about 7.30pm which seems a bit late to be fishing, but what do I know...


A nice afternoon out that I enjoyed. Even bumped into one my old Flickr mates there too!


Link to my personal website:


  • nightshadownightshadow Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited September 21, 2008
    I really like 5, 7 & 9. The reflections in 5 & 7 are great, and I love to flyfish.
  • Paul IddonPaul Iddon Registered Users Posts: 5,129 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2008
    Thanks m8ee.


    Link to my personal website:

  • dreamlessdreamless Registered Users Posts: 90 Big grins
    edited September 21, 2008
    You may have failed on what you wanted to accomplish with pic #2 but I really like the way it came out so I'll still say good job. I also like the water/reflection pictures as well, good series.
  • Paul IddonPaul Iddon Registered Users Posts: 5,129 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2008
    Thanks Dreamless. :)

    Link to my personal website:

  • coscorrosacoscorrosa Registered Users Posts: 2,284 Major grins
    edited September 22, 2008
    The fisherman silhouette is incredible. The composition is outstanding (and you even got the clouds in the reflection to be parallel with the fishing rod!).

    For this photo (too lazy to count, so I'm just including it in my reply):
    Paul Iddon wrote:


    I think it could have been improved by using a split ND filter to bring down the sky a little bit (or by bracketing and merging together in post). I really like the fuzzy reflection in it.

    For some of the other sunset photos it looks like the horizon isn't quite level, and the focus on the trees is off (the effect of which is amplified because they're silhouetted and the eye is immediately drawn to them). Also the fact that they're not sharp above the horizon lessens the impact of the soft reflection below the horizon.
  • Paul IddonPaul Iddon Registered Users Posts: 5,129 Major grins
    edited September 22, 2008
    Thanks Ron for your constuctive replies.

    I'm guilty of not always checking horizon post-production...

    The lens I used is a very standard Sigma 18-55 and I am not convinced it is particularly sharp. Believe it aor not, on a lot of my pics that day I used mirror lock up and they still don't appear as shatp as they shuld be, but I don't have the funds for new glass, so I will have to live with it.

    Thanks for looking.


    Link to my personal website:

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