#8 Waffling on selection

#1 The Need For Speed

#2 Teachers Pet

I've submitted #1 but I like #2 also (and the play on words). Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

#2 Teachers Pet

I've submitted #1 but I like #2 also (and the play on words). Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
Alan Chambers
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
Thus Spake The n00b
And Alan, I don't know if I can thank you enough for encouraging me to jump in the pool (even if all I'm doing is splashing around the shallow end!). As you predicted, I have learned so much and am having so much FUN joining in! What a tremendous community this is
Great entry!