Password Screen

Hi - question regarding the password screen.
Is there any method in which the end-user is prompted a password screen and once a password is entered, the site takes the end-user to the specific gallery ? I am not referring to the site-wide visitor password screen, but something a little more dynamic.
- jerryr
Is there any method in which the end-user is prompted a password screen and once a password is entered, the site takes the end-user to the specific gallery ? I am not referring to the site-wide visitor password screen, but something a little more dynamic.
- jerryr
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I don't think Smugmug offers any capability like this, but if you are using it more for convenience rather than security, you could implement something like it yourself in Javascript.
When a visitor first comes to your home page, you could prompt them for an "access code" and then, based on which code they enter, you could take them to a different gallery or category. The reason I said it wouldn't really be security is that all the logic would be in your page javascript (including the list of acceptable access codes and where they take you), available for any educated snooper (e.g. someone who knows how javascript works) to look at.
Rather than prompting for a code, you could also use vanity URLs so that the user would just type your site name followed by any word of your choice and the vanity URL would take them to a specific place in your site without prompting.
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