>Congrats to: thebigsky for the winning DSS#8 Photo!

A massive congrats to our finalists for this round! :clap :clap :clap
So many awesome shots, it was really, really tough to narrow it down. Karrie McD and I agreed on 4 images this time, giving you all 16 to chose your favorite from. The top 5 from this round will be qualified to play in the DSS Mega-Challenge #2. :barb
This is an open vote, all DGrin members are eligible to have their say. The poll closes 3 days from now, go go go!!!
In order of entry, the best Weathered or Polished photos:
#2 - dlplumer - Dehydrated

#9 - Travis - Splintered

#20 - AaronNelson - Cooling

#22 - jeffmeyers - Polished Poodle

#23 - VisualXpressions - 'Time tu harvest that thar corn'

#29 - PaulThomasMcKee - Turtle-waxed TT Tail at Twilight

#36 - thebigsky - Pride and Joy

#40 - idiom - Retired..

#46 - MrsCue - Weather the Storm

#47 - cmorganphotography - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

#56 - NeilL - Lucid Dream

#63 - pyroPrints.com - Bridge to Nowhere

#84 - vandana - "Braving it out"

#85 - Halite - Antique Silver

#90 - Elaine - 1916
So many awesome shots, it was really, really tough to narrow it down. Karrie McD and I agreed on 4 images this time, giving you all 16 to chose your favorite from. The top 5 from this round will be qualified to play in the DSS Mega-Challenge #2. :barb
This is an open vote, all DGrin members are eligible to have their say. The poll closes 3 days from now, go go go!!!
In order of entry, the best Weathered or Polished photos:
#2 - dlplumer - Dehydrated

#9 - Travis - Splintered

#20 - AaronNelson - Cooling

#22 - jeffmeyers - Polished Poodle

#23 - VisualXpressions - 'Time tu harvest that thar corn'

#29 - PaulThomasMcKee - Turtle-waxed TT Tail at Twilight

#36 - thebigsky - Pride and Joy

#40 - idiom - Retired..

#46 - MrsCue - Weather the Storm

#47 - cmorganphotography - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

#56 - NeilL - Lucid Dream

#63 - pyroPrints.com - Bridge to Nowhere

#84 - vandana - "Braving it out"

#85 - Halite - Antique Silver

#90 - Elaine - 1916

Psalm 62:5-6
Vote for the best Weathered or Polished photo! 138 votes
#2 - dlplumer - Dehydrated
12 votes
#9 - Travis - Splintered
5 votes
#20 - AaronNelson - Cooling
2 votes
#22 - jeffmeyers - Polished Poodle
6 votes
#23 - VisualXpressions - 'Time tu harvest that thar corn'
19 votes
#29 - PaulThomasMcKee - Turtle-waxed TT Tail at Twilight
13 votes
#36 - thebigsky - Pride and Joy
23 votes
#40 - idiom - Retired..
19 votes
#46 - MrsCue - Weather the Storm
8 votes
#47 - cmorganphotography - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
2 votes
#56 - NeilL - Lucid Dream
5 votes
#63 - pyroPrints.com - Bridge to Nowhere
14 votes
#84 - vandana - "Braving it out"
3 votes
#85 - Halite - Antique Silver
2 votes
#90 - Elaine - 1916
5 votes
vote vote Vote!!!
You great big sissy
Congrats to the finalists.
seriously...i have three i might have to draw straws....
pot sturrrrrer.....
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I don't see an image for #22 - jeffmeyers - Polished Poodle
My Photos
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On DrivingLine
It's showing up for me.
jeff said to just forward your vote to the cool motorcycle
I cleared my cache, and it is no longer showing for me either.
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
-My Website - Blog - Tips for Senior Portraiture
Oh crud. I was redoing my galleries last night and didn't think about breaking the links.
I can't do back and edit my entry since it's been too long. I wonder if one of the moderators can fix it. Here's the link:
Jeff Meyers
My Photos
My Blog
On Google+
On DrivingLine
My Photos
My Blog
On Google+
On DrivingLine
Sorry to say, No.
oh, i know:D ...
I see the prancing polished poodle.
Try and say that 5 times fast!
These comps are getting tougher and tougher! Nice work everybody!
I have been away for three months working. Only to return to an amazing display of art! Really nice work everyone, I am looking forward to going back through the last 7 and seeing all your great shots
Scott McPherson
welcome back!
.....everyones coming out of the wood work lately:D
Have to add..I LOVE LOVE the fact that the votes cannot be seen until the end, very COOL idea and the anticipation is killing me...
I'm interested to see the total number of votes at the end of this...
Hers: Sony SR10, (Soon Canon 5D MKII), 85 f1.8, 28-135 USM, Stroboframe, Manfrotto NeoTec
Ours: Pair of 580 EX, Lensbaby, Studio Alien Bees, Son & TWO Daughters
130+ at this point.
Is that significantly more or less than DSS 7?
Jeff Meyers