SoCal - Vandenberg missile launch tonight

I Love night launches! :clap
Weather permitting, should be visible as far away as San Francisco, San Diego and Reno. Window is 11:30p - 12:30a. Count down may not be public since this is a military experiment.
You can get updated info, info on how to photograph, and lots of other good stuff here. If the countdown is public, there is usually some really good live info posted to that webpage as well.
Weather permitting, should be visible as far away as San Francisco, San Diego and Reno. Window is 11:30p - 12:30a. Count down may not be public since this is a military experiment.
You can get updated info, info on how to photograph, and lots of other good stuff here. If the countdown is public, there is usually some really good live info posted to that webpage as well.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Do you have any further info? Did I just miss it?
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
It is strange that he hasn't provided an update since then. I know that it was supposed to be coordinated with the passing of a satellite, and that the military did not want the exact countdown to be public knowledge. Don't know how those things may have played in to what happened (or didn't happen) last night.
I'll let you know if I get any updates.
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EDIT: oh well, I subsribed to their alerts now
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Nikolai you can subscribe to Brian's list in the link in my first post. He'll send out a reminder e-mail before the event, and keep you informed of last minute changes.
He usually does a fantastic job, I'm still wondering what exactly happened last night because he didn't know it was launched either.
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The shots I really love are the ones they do right around sunset that leave those beautiful multicolored trails n the sky. I'd love to witness the actual launch some time.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged