#9, who's idea was this?

So we have about 60 minutes a day to shoot.
30 or so in the morning before the sun comes up, good if you're not at work.
30 or so after the sun goes down. I at least have a chance at this one, every other night.
So I got out tonight, went to a regular spot to shoot downtown Minneapolis.
Of course I'm missing the the first half of the Twins/White Sox game. I'm taking photos of the dome,
but I forgot my walkman at home.
So, I take a few shots, I don't know if they're any good or not.
The silhouette shot has some nice color, and is the shot I'm leaning towards.
From camera to hard drive to CS3 to reduce size. No sharpening, no nothing.

From camera to hard drive to CS3 to reduce size. After size reduction, I ran USM at .3, 100, 0.0
The shot looked very muddy after reducing it. The silhouette didn't have this problem because
that shot doesn't have the fine detail that this shot does.

And the Twins just won.:D
30 or so in the morning before the sun comes up, good if you're not at work.
30 or so after the sun goes down. I at least have a chance at this one, every other night.
So I got out tonight, went to a regular spot to shoot downtown Minneapolis.
Of course I'm missing the the first half of the Twins/White Sox game. I'm taking photos of the dome,
but I forgot my walkman at home.
So, I take a few shots, I don't know if they're any good or not.
The silhouette shot has some nice color, and is the shot I'm leaning towards.
From camera to hard drive to CS3 to reduce size. No sharpening, no nothing.

From camera to hard drive to CS3 to reduce size. After size reduction, I ran USM at .3, 100, 0.0
The shot looked very muddy after reducing it. The silhouette didn't have this problem because
that shot doesn't have the fine detail that this shot does.

And the Twins just won.:D
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
Witch hat? Is there a witch hat around here?
(it a little dark, but it's there)
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Lenses: Nikkor 50mm f/1.8, Nikkor 17-80mm f/3.5-4, Nikkor 70-300mm f/3.5-5.6, Lensbaby 2.0
Accessories: Nikon SB-800, (2X) Old Flash Units, (4X) Poverty Wizards, GF Lightsphere, (3X) Lightstand and umbrella, Sandisk Extreme III 4.0 GB, Sandisk Ultra II 2.0 GB, Transcend 1.0 GB
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
I think a shot with a very colorfull sky is going to win, but I don't think it will be this shot of mine.
The more I look at it, other than the colorfull sky, what does it have.
The winner will have something going on in the foreground. Think Corona ads.
I'll be submitting the first shot later in the day, But I know someone here will find a better setting than this.
If only I'd have taken this during the challenge.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.