RRS Update

I've got some updates from ReallyRightStuff for the new Canon cameras.
Stay tuned to www.reallyrightstuff.com for more updates.
- L Plate for Canon 50D - exact same as 40D.
- L Plate for Canon G10 - G9 plate DOES NOT fit - they are making a new plate custom for the G10 that will be available soon.
- L Plate for Canon 5D Mk II - New one coming soon.
Stay tuned to www.reallyrightstuff.com for more updates.
don't block the buttons below the lcd display as much as RRS' does. Here
is an example (40D/50D L-bracket):
RRS: http://reallyrightstuff.com/mmRRS/Images/full/B40DL-REAR.gif
Kirk: http://www.kirkphoto.com/bl40Dbig.jpg
― Edward Weston
Huh? The RRS brackets don't block the buttons at all.
And now that you've posted the link, I see the Kirk bracket looks much more clunky than the nice sleek RRS design.
Link to my Smugmug site
Read again, I said "dont block ... as much ...". You'll notice the difference
when shooting with gloves. Talking about the size: The width exactly right,
so that the cable release can be used when the camera mounted verticaly
on a tripodhead and on the bottom is an extra mount for a handstrap. Don't
get me wrong, I love RRS, all my clamps, lensplates and my panorama setup
is from them. But the L-Bracket .. nah I'll go with Kirk this time
― Edward Weston
You've got it adjusted wrong. One doesn't need to jam the vertical portion of the bracket all the way against the camera body. The mount is slotted for a reason. Leave all the room you like.
Link to my Smugmug site
Link to my Smugmug site
EDIT: They're making new plate for the 50D - so that it can clear the gaskets completely - I was on the phone with Matthew their engineer and he took all the info from me directly, w00p :smo
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