Grizzly Bear near Moraine Lake
Okay that's a bit of a cop out as this is a picture of the stream. What you CAN'T see is the 500+ lb Grizzly that walked up to about 15 meters from me while I was taking this shot. :huh
I looked up and there it was, staring at me. My options to get away were few -- into the stream would have been it. Good thing my dad was with me and had bear spray, and good thing the bear wasn't interested. But man, that was closer than I'd like to be.
By the time I could get the camera off the tripod and replace the 17/40 with a polarizer for my 70/200, he was far enough down the trail and I wasn't going to give chase :wink
Nice shot! Glad it has a happy ending ...
Next time I expect a bear capture though. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
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I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...
Shooter on a shoestring.
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Again this year. This was about 4 days ago.
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