State Fair - Night
Couple from the recent Western Idaho State Fair in Boise, Idaho. I probably should have slowed the shutter speed down to get more blur on the movement of the ride.........I though that the color tuned out nice though.
Thanks for having a look.
I did not ride this - not really a 'ride guy' but it was entertaining to watch people's reaction to the ride......before and after.

This would probably be the point in the ride where I would have been regretting getting on the thing...

There are about a million things to buy at the fair that light up or glow - marketed to kids for sure. I spent too much money on this kind of stuff that night.
Thanks for having a look.
I did not ride this - not really a 'ride guy' but it was entertaining to watch people's reaction to the ride......before and after.

This would probably be the point in the ride where I would have been regretting getting on the thing...

There are about a million things to buy at the fair that light up or glow - marketed to kids for sure. I spent too much money on this kind of stuff that night.

Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by anybody to this country and to mankind is to bring up a family. - George Bernard Shaw
D200, Sigma 15-30 f3.5-5.6, Nikon 50mm f1.8, 100mm f2.8, SB600
These are all taken at ISO800 and I'm always amazed at how little noise there really is in shots taken at this ISO level.