can you still help me
I want threw and asked some stuff i put a
then the stuff. hope that is okey thought it would be easier. thank you
Sorry, I'm still having a hard time trying to figure out what you are looking to do. The Moment to Moment link is to a gallery:
Are you wanting to use it as a 'category' page or just to list your prices & services?
Yes i would like to use this page. I want everything listed not to be there anymore instead have the some format as is not but have it like the galleries with lots of links to what ever pricing they are looking for. not sure if that makes sence?
If you want to use it for your pricing I would force the viewing stlye to 'journal' and add the pricing information next to images in the gallery.
????? not sure what you mean do you have a sample?
If you want to use it for listing your categories, I would suggest using the default SmugMug categoies and list them on your homepage.
no i dont want it on the homepage i would like to have it in a area by its self. i dont think its easy to read right now i think its to much that is why i was thinking if they had there own place it would make more since.
The rotating banner is doable if you like....:D i thought it would be cool to have like a link for that gallery to the gallery (example) weddings and have a banner on the top with a example of my work and then the prices. so if someone is just looking for what ever they will be able to find that easier and not have to look at all the other stuff. make sence?
It's a little easier for the dgrinners if you keep all your questions in one post. We'll be able to answer after each question.
Also, take it one step at a time, so much easier on you
[/quote]:D i tryed that and they told me to break it down instead of all my questions at once.
thank youf for your help
Heidi Lagao

Sorry, I'm still having a hard time trying to figure out what you are looking to do. The Moment to Moment link is to a gallery:
Are you wanting to use it as a 'category' page or just to list your prices & services?

If you want to use it for your pricing I would force the viewing stlye to 'journal' and add the pricing information next to images in the gallery.

If you want to use it for listing your categories, I would suggest using the default SmugMug categoies and list them on your homepage.

The rotating banner is doable if you like....:D i thought it would be cool to have like a link for that gallery to the gallery (example) weddings and have a banner on the top with a example of my work and then the prices. so if someone is just looking for what ever they will be able to find that easier and not have to look at all the other stuff. make sence?
It's a little easier for the dgrinners if you keep all your questions in one post. We'll be able to answer after each question.
Also, take it one step at a time, so much easier on you

thank youf for your help
Heidi Lagao
Heidi Lagao
thank youf for your help
Heidi Lagao[/quote]
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