Order History for buying Prints and Merchandise

I just finally set pricing and opened my galleries to sales. I also, yesterday bought my first set of prints from my galleries.
So I am wondering, why can I only get to the Order History by the link in the Confirmation Email Why is there no Control Panel, Shopping Basket or Homepage (or the Like) link to an Order List and my current in-process order? This would be so much more convenient to check the status of an order than hunting up the Confirmation email and clicking the link in my Mail Client.
If such a feature is there on my SmugMug site, I can't find it as easily as one should.
Thanks for listening.
So I am wondering, why can I only get to the Order History by the link in the Confirmation Email Why is there no Control Panel, Shopping Basket or Homepage (or the Like) link to an Order List and my current in-process order? This would be so much more convenient to check the status of an order than hunting up the Confirmation email and clicking the link in my Mail Client.
If such a feature is there on my SmugMug site, I can't find it as easily as one should.
Thanks for listening.
Don Ricklin - Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, was Pentax K7
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Log out and buy something (price it at .01 markup) and you'll then see it all in Control Panel, Pros tab
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What happens if I buy someone elses image? Do I get an Order History link then? Doing a 1¢ mark-up is a work-around to my way of thinking, for this case.
It's like buying on B&H, where I can check my Orders (not Sales) at one link.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
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But what if I wasn't even a SmugMugger, only had a login for buying Pros work. Would that User deserve an Order History, or get one when they buy, discoverable on line when they login as a buyer? Not just linked from an Email Order Invoice. Seems one sided.
Maybe something to think about for your buying Customers, especially repeat ones, down the line.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
Don: we don't require logins to buy (makes things easy for buyers!). So buyers don't have 'storage'
They have a receipt, email, with order link.
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'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .