Wilderness Explorartion Weekend
First off, just wanted to tell everyone what a great photo site I this is, there are some very excellent people on here from what I've gathered so far.
Anyways, a several images and a story of a 2 day trip I took a few weekends back where I went fishing, hiking, exploring in the Mon Forest of WV. None of the pics have been edited so there are some out-of focus, over exposed, ect....forgive me. :uhoh
Sorry if it's a long post, perhaps I should've broke it up into 2??
Day 1
My camping spot after getting everything set up. Get's really dark out here away from civilization:
My Hilton (Tent)

Waking up the next morning I get breakfast started for a day of explorations. I really like this pic when I first saw it through the viewfinder. But as I would later find out (along with some other images) the lcd screen lies sometimes. Guess I need to learn how to fouch better and take multiple shots.

So I start making my way to my first destination. Being fall, the water levels this time of year is hit and miss. I did manage to find a nice little stream that I know holds fish, but it was low and clear, as were most of the waters I tried. Did manage to get a decent shot of some flowing water.
Flowing Water

Not much luck at this location (fishing wise), so I decieded to move onto another location. On my way there I see this along one of the back country roads. Looks like a huge landslide and trees just went every which way on the mountainside. Couldn't get a real good perspective on capturing the vastness of it, so image is really just "snapshot."

Finally made it to the location I was looking form. Water was really gin clear and low. For anyone who fishes, the trout were very very skittish and I had a tough time. Took, or attempted to, take an image of trout in the water. This wasn't one of the clearer holes. There was lot's of tree cover.
Trout In Water

The fish are skittish and aren't in any interested in taking the fly I'm tossing at them. Looking at my map there is suppose to be a waterfall up a little further. So I continue to walking and walking and walking. 3 hours later I still haven't come to the waterfall and the stream is getting smaller and smaller. I come to the conclusion that either I can't read a map, haven't gone far enough, the falls don't exist, or I'm on the wrong fork in the stream. I'm guessing I it's the first one that I can't read a map correctly. So I turn around, looking back from where I came and think - Lost?? - I've gotta go back there??!!!
Back That Way - Mountain Peak Just Visible in the Background.

On my journey back I find several fields, with flowers in them. Not sure what they are called, but butterflies and bee's all around. I stopped to take a picture. Another which I though would be good and did look good on the LCD, but find out it's out of focus when I get home.
Butterfly, Bumblebee & Flower

Also, along the way I find this neat hollowed out tree with fungi growing inside, so I decide to snap a pic.
Fungi in Tree

Finally a few hours later I make it out to where I entered in. After that long day I decide to make my way back to camp. On the way back in I snap a few sunset shots of the mountains.

I arise around 6:45 or so, get breakfast, and begin to pack up my gear to head to 1 other location and then on home.
Driving out I come along an old fence line running parallel to the road and decide to try to take one of those artistic, long running images of a fence line. As will be able to tell I failed to capture that..
Fence Line

After a few hour drive I make it to my next destination. A new body of water I've never fished that is pretty remote and lies between 2 of WV's bigger mountain ranges. So I enter the stream and begin walking again.
Going That Way

Walking a little more ways downstream I get the camera back out and attempt something better than just snap shot photography.
Leaves In Water

Unfortunately, the leaves hadn't changed as much as I had hoped. It is a little early, plus with not having much rain lately I was doubtful I'd see much vibrant color. I did see the one tree that had a hint of maroon/purple and another with yellow/orange while all the other's were still pretty much green. Again, find out it seems to be little out of focus.
Purple Tree

I set my fly rod down and took a somewhat artistic pic of it.
Fly Rod

After that I worked my way back to where I walked in at and began my journey home. Overall it was a good trip, managed to land a few fish, take a few decent pix and best of be away from world of cell phones, blackberries, computers, ect...
Thanks for reading...
First off, just wanted to tell everyone what a great photo site I this is, there are some very excellent people on here from what I've gathered so far.
Anyways, a several images and a story of a 2 day trip I took a few weekends back where I went fishing, hiking, exploring in the Mon Forest of WV. None of the pics have been edited so there are some out-of focus, over exposed, ect....forgive me. :uhoh
Sorry if it's a long post, perhaps I should've broke it up into 2??
Day 1
My camping spot after getting everything set up. Get's really dark out here away from civilization:
My Hilton (Tent)

Waking up the next morning I get breakfast started for a day of explorations. I really like this pic when I first saw it through the viewfinder. But as I would later find out (along with some other images) the lcd screen lies sometimes. Guess I need to learn how to fouch better and take multiple shots.

So I start making my way to my first destination. Being fall, the water levels this time of year is hit and miss. I did manage to find a nice little stream that I know holds fish, but it was low and clear, as were most of the waters I tried. Did manage to get a decent shot of some flowing water.
Flowing Water

Not much luck at this location (fishing wise), so I decieded to move onto another location. On my way there I see this along one of the back country roads. Looks like a huge landslide and trees just went every which way on the mountainside. Couldn't get a real good perspective on capturing the vastness of it, so image is really just "snapshot."

Finally made it to the location I was looking form. Water was really gin clear and low. For anyone who fishes, the trout were very very skittish and I had a tough time. Took, or attempted to, take an image of trout in the water. This wasn't one of the clearer holes. There was lot's of tree cover.
Trout In Water

The fish are skittish and aren't in any interested in taking the fly I'm tossing at them. Looking at my map there is suppose to be a waterfall up a little further. So I continue to walking and walking and walking. 3 hours later I still haven't come to the waterfall and the stream is getting smaller and smaller. I come to the conclusion that either I can't read a map, haven't gone far enough, the falls don't exist, or I'm on the wrong fork in the stream. I'm guessing I it's the first one that I can't read a map correctly. So I turn around, looking back from where I came and think - Lost?? - I've gotta go back there??!!!
Back That Way - Mountain Peak Just Visible in the Background.

On my journey back I find several fields, with flowers in them. Not sure what they are called, but butterflies and bee's all around. I stopped to take a picture. Another which I though would be good and did look good on the LCD, but find out it's out of focus when I get home.
Butterfly, Bumblebee & Flower

Also, along the way I find this neat hollowed out tree with fungi growing inside, so I decide to snap a pic.
Fungi in Tree

Finally a few hours later I make it out to where I entered in. After that long day I decide to make my way back to camp. On the way back in I snap a few sunset shots of the mountains.

I arise around 6:45 or so, get breakfast, and begin to pack up my gear to head to 1 other location and then on home.
Driving out I come along an old fence line running parallel to the road and decide to try to take one of those artistic, long running images of a fence line. As will be able to tell I failed to capture that..
Fence Line

After a few hour drive I make it to my next destination. A new body of water I've never fished that is pretty remote and lies between 2 of WV's bigger mountain ranges. So I enter the stream and begin walking again.
Going That Way

Walking a little more ways downstream I get the camera back out and attempt something better than just snap shot photography.
Leaves In Water

Unfortunately, the leaves hadn't changed as much as I had hoped. It is a little early, plus with not having much rain lately I was doubtful I'd see much vibrant color. I did see the one tree that had a hint of maroon/purple and another with yellow/orange while all the other's were still pretty much green. Again, find out it seems to be little out of focus.
Purple Tree

I set my fly rod down and took a somewhat artistic pic of it.
Fly Rod

After that I worked my way back to where I walked in at and began my journey home. Overall it was a good trip, managed to land a few fish, take a few decent pix and best of be away from world of cell phones, blackberries, computers, ect...
Thanks for reading...