How to get better focus in this situation?
Nikon D80, 70-300mm lens on a tripod
This lioness was hiding in the distance (at a zoo), and it seems like my camera focused on the foliage just in front of the lioness, rather than on the lioness herself. Now I did try to make sure the focus point was exactly on the lioness, but apparently it wasn't. Next time, how would I make sure I have the proper focus? Thanks!
large-size here:
This lioness was hiding in the distance (at a zoo), and it seems like my camera focused on the foliage just in front of the lioness, rather than on the lioness herself. Now I did try to make sure the focus point was exactly on the lioness, but apparently it wasn't. Next time, how would I make sure I have the proper focus? Thanks!
large-size here:
Spot focus, single server setting, focus on the top of the lions head (or something isolated), half-push shutter, recompose and fire.
Secondarily consider more depth of field so both are in focus.
All else fails, manual focus, but the D80 focus screen is not great for fine focus manually.
You've also got some CA, see the leaves to the left of the lion against the light background) not sure if it can be adjusted out (if raw, in ACR you can adjust a bit). Sometimes CA adjustment can help soft focus a tiny bit.