Corrupt JPGs
Hi, not sure if this is in the right forum or not, please forgive if not!
I recently got a Nikon 7900, like it so far. Am using a Lexar 1GB SD card. This weekend I went to Utah and took ~45 pics. After getting home, I popped out the SD card, put it in a card reader, and moved (not copied, unfortunately) the pics to my hard drive. Well, about half of them are readable. All are about the right size - ~2.5MB for 7 megapixel images.
The balance I am unable to open in anything I own - Windows picture viewer, ThumbsPlus, IrfanView, and even Photoshop 7 - it generates the following message: "unknown or invalid jpeg marker type is found". (I've read a number of posts talking about renaming and trying to open - not applicable, as the 7900 can only save as JPG, so these really ARE JPGs.)
I tried recovering the pics off of the SD card with a couple of programs - Zero Assumption Digital Recovery, and PhotoRescue 2.1 (demo). In both cases, they would let me see and recover all pics EXCEPT the ones that were "corrupted". The corrupted ones did not show up at all.
I tried taking a few more pics, and they were corrupt as well. I re-formatted the card (in the camera), and the pics taken since seem OK.
1. Is there a way to recover the corrupt JPGs?
2. What happened? What can I do to avoid this in the future?
- Irv Rollman, Denver
I recently got a Nikon 7900, like it so far. Am using a Lexar 1GB SD card. This weekend I went to Utah and took ~45 pics. After getting home, I popped out the SD card, put it in a card reader, and moved (not copied, unfortunately) the pics to my hard drive. Well, about half of them are readable. All are about the right size - ~2.5MB for 7 megapixel images.
The balance I am unable to open in anything I own - Windows picture viewer, ThumbsPlus, IrfanView, and even Photoshop 7 - it generates the following message: "unknown or invalid jpeg marker type is found". (I've read a number of posts talking about renaming and trying to open - not applicable, as the 7900 can only save as JPG, so these really ARE JPGs.)
I tried recovering the pics off of the SD card with a couple of programs - Zero Assumption Digital Recovery, and PhotoRescue 2.1 (demo). In both cases, they would let me see and recover all pics EXCEPT the ones that were "corrupted". The corrupted ones did not show up at all.
I tried taking a few more pics, and they were corrupt as well. I re-formatted the card (in the camera), and the pics taken since seem OK.
1. Is there a way to recover the corrupt JPGs?
2. What happened? What can I do to avoid this in the future?
- Irv Rollman, Denver