
Damn.... TC woes & other exasperations

toragstorags Registered Users Posts: 4,615 Major grins
edited September 29, 2008 in Sports
I had a great weekend planned. Take my 70-200 2.8 & 24-70 2.8 in my new Thinktank Ultra light; allowing me to have both lenses/cams setup & ready to shot the Bullriding competition in a stadium in Oakland.

I decided to buy tix at the gate and buy the best at $100 per. The action has a small radius out of the chute.

Pulled up to park the car and the fee was $25... Whoa..... Got to the ticket line and was told all the $100 tix were sold... WTF.

While on line the PA system announced that no back packs were allowed. Pulled off the line to ask security if cam bags were OK and heard over the PA that they were were prohibited..... Oh damn.... X 2.

Now the $25 I just paid for parking will they refund it??? they did without question.

Went to Laguna with my new Sigma 300 2.8 (2XTC) & a Nikon 70-200 2.8 (1.4XTC). I wanted to try this set up, that I haven't used before. The 300 had a D700 on FX shooting Raw & the 70-200 had a D200 shooting jpg.

The FX field of view is wider than DX so I figured I'd still be usable at 600mm. The D200 is DX but has more fps that I figured might offset the narrow fov for keepers.

For sports I set my preference to vivid.

Well between vivid and the TC, all the jpg images (750) suck, big time. All have a granular quality, that is not pleasing. Any cropping magnifiys the problem.

This TC experience has been a bummer for me, maybe my expectations were too high. But I wouldn't recommend the vivid/TC combo.

End of rant. I haven't started on the raw images yet.


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    cecilccecilc Registered Users Posts: 114 Major grins
    edited September 29, 2008
    torags wrote:
    Well between vivid and the TC, all the jpg images (750) suck, big time. All have a granular quality, that is not pleasing. Any cropping magnifiys the problem.

    This TC experience has been a bummer for me, maybe my expectations were too high. But I wouldn't recommend the vivid/TC combo.

    If you were expecting a 2X converter to give you "good" quality, then "YES!" - I'd say your "expectations were too high." ..... Waaaaaaaay too high, actually ...

    Two stops worth of exposure value gone, and questionable image quality from a 2x converter make it a very scary combination.

    If you're going to use a converter, don't go above the 1.4 ...
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Photos at SportsShooter
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    jonh68jonh68 Registered Users Posts: 2,711 Major grins
    edited September 29, 2008
    I haven't had any problems with my siggy 120-300 and a 2x extender. Granted, I use that combo in great light and set the aperture to around f8-f9 to help with sharpness. What were your settings? Without seeing examples, it sounds like they were underexposed.
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    toragstorags Registered Users Posts: 4,615 Major grins
    edited September 29, 2008
    I'm working thru the 2X TC raws.

    Here is a sample straight from the cam, nothing done. I was trying different apertures and some were under exposed some weren't. (D200; 70-200, 1.4 TC)

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