Question about METALLIC & New Products Pricing?

I was just setting up pricing in a new gallery, I imported a price list from previous gallery of the same type and noticed that with the new METTALIC Prints & Added New Products they are being sold for the LIST / SMUGMUG default price and NOT BLANKED OUT or otherwise on the NOT SOLD list, SO am I to think that I now have to go back to ALL my old galleries set up without prices for these items and have to either bulk set the EMPTY SLOTS ie. Metallic & New Products that weren't given a custom price to $0.00 so they don't appear FOR SALE to those galleries or now set custom prices for them so they aren't being sold for the SmugMug DEFAULT Pricing ???
That will be a huge amount of work if so, I have a lot of galleries that have been custom priced (95% of my galleries are set up like this). Is there a quick way to fix this problem and just make the Metallic & New Products NOT for sale in those galleries until I can find time to go in and custom price these items in each gallery ???
I sure wish SmugMug would have made those items NOT FOR SALE or given them a $0.00 price tag in our Pro Galleries when they started selling these.
That will be a huge amount of work if so, I have a lot of galleries that have been custom priced (95% of my galleries are set up like this). Is there a quick way to fix this problem and just make the Metallic & New Products NOT for sale in those galleries until I can find time to go in and custom price these items in each gallery ???
I sure wish SmugMug would have made those items NOT FOR SALE or given them a $0.00 price tag in our Pro Galleries when they started selling these.
New Jersey Photographer
Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member
Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member
carry down to each gallery pricing if the gallery price is blank. Also log off
and view the prices.
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Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member
I agree as well..
...especially for those "like me" who forgot to do it and just today got an email asking me what metallic prints were. ..this was on an event I shot back in July.
I had been busy and hadn't enabled them yet, but sure enough they were out there under every gallery and will never know if anyone snagged any cheap metallic prints during that period or not. I was able to shut them off with portfolio pricing, but not sure why it is always up to me.
... don't get me wrong, I love smugmug, but I still think they way we roll out new features or products is a bit frustrating at times. I don't think something new should require us to do anything instantly to seal the hole.
I can see if something I coded goes a bit south after a new feature, but new print types or like that square thumb feature should be defaulted to "off" and let us add those at our convienience.
My two cents..
Could not agree more. I too was caught out by this and only realised last night. I vote for all new products to have a default of $0.00.
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Here's what happens:
1) we want new products
2) we add them and we set the prices to $0 so they don't show up for sale on pro accounts at default pricing to your cusotmers.
3) we send a notice (you all got it) to your homepage announcing this - and to your email if you set your mail prefs to receive such an email.
So, Sebastian will be along shortly to help find out if there's really a bug because you should have had this at $0 in your pricing, set by us.
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Could you give me a link to the gallery on where you're seeing this? Make sure that you give me the specific link to the photo that you are on when you use 'set pricing'.
Are you looking at the pricing on 'image', 'gallery' or 'portfolio' level?
I suspect that you may view the pricing on image level.
Furthermore, a screenshot of your whole screen showing the issue would be most helpful. If you don't want to post the screenshot on Dgrin, email me at our helpdesk with "ATTN: Sebastian Pro pricing metallic" in the subject.
SmugMug Support Hero
ahh.. that makes sense. Thanks Andy.. Should have known better as I had thought we had other products added that didn't experience this issue.
Thanks again,
Well.. I fixed all of them via the bulk gallery update. There might be still some that has that issue, so let me look when I get home this evening and I will give you that link. I have hundreds of galleries.. so I am sure I missed one. Thankfully portfolio pricing plugs the hole.
Thanks again folks.. I should have reported it as a bug up front when I found it.. my apologies.
Well -- my galleries seem to be a mess with this metallic pricing... I was getting ready to upload a new gallery and happened to see a bunch of galleries with the default pricing available to customers for metallic prints.
I tried adjusting my values to ZERO for portfolio level so all blank entries would not show up in cart at all, but I'm not having much luck. Response would be appreciated, as it does appear to be a bug since some of my galleries are affected, but others aren't... Or, I could simply be making a dumb mistake.....?
Professional Photographers Association & National Photoshop Professionals Member
Let us know if you're still seeing problems.
I only use portfolio pricing and is now all fixed. However when I first realised the problem I went into portfolio pricing and the price boxes for all the metalic products were blank.
It took me about three attempts to set the pricing to $0.00 via portfolio pricing and to have the pricing stick. It would just not set the prices as expected. Eventually the $0.00 pric stuck so it would no longer display metalic prints at cost.
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Should have finished reading the thread before responding on my particular issue.
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