Custom Header wont show up
1. I uploaded my .jpg to specs.
I pasted the code from the tutorial. Changed the letter to O. size is correct. all that shows up on my home page is the code.
I pasted the code from the tutorial. Changed the letter to O. size is correct. all that shows up on my home page is the code.
Your web-site link please so we can look at how you did it.
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Here it is
#my_banner {
width: 750px;
height: 150px;
margin: 0 auto;
background: url( no-repeat;
I do not see the <div id="my_banner"></div> code in your header though. Did you take it out or put it somewhere else?
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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This is what I put in the CSS box.
#my_banner {
width: 750px;
height: 150px;
margin: 0 auto;
background: url( no-repeat;
I put the header photo in my commercial projects gallery, its the last image.
In photoshop The file is .jpg, rgb, 750x150 pixels @ resolution 1200. Not sure if the 1200 is a problem. Size of file is only 329k. seems nice and small.
I followed all of the instructions. I tried replacing the L (large) with 0 (zero), o (small o), O (Large O).
I even had 2 header pics one in all small with no spaces.
I checked off the the external link to yes, it was.
I pasted the divide thing
Dont know what else to do
I just changed it back to cap O.
You put the:
<div id="my_banner"> </div>
in the wrong customization box. You put it in your "Header Javascript". It needs to be removed from that one and put in the one labeled "Custom Header".
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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jfriend thanks for working with me. I want to get the header on. I've got an interview thursday and want to get some things tweeked a bit.
That worked.
I tried it so many diff ways, I got caught up!
How could you figure that out.
Cool. Glad it worked. It looks nice too.
I was able to figure it out because everything you put in a browser page is available to look at. I looked at all the pieces of your page and found your DIV code in the script section of your page, not the header section.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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I am so happy now I can REST.
I want to do so much more. I am addicted, though I do not know HTML. I am more design applications savy. Got any suggestions for me.
Otherwise I was going to try some of the other stuff in the customize help examples stuff.
Thanks for the comp, couldnt have done it with out U U U U U!!!!!!!!
I want to do additional headers for each gallery. A close up of the aperture part. And inset pics into each blade of the aperture depicting the subject manner of the gallery.
I think ill try that next (adding multiple headers)
Thanks Again.