photo pick

I am a bit torn on sticking with the photos that best conveys "dusk" for me and the ones that are possibly more visually interesting. What do you all think?







heather dillon photography - Pacific Northwest Portraits and Places
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
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Anyway, enough whining from me (and yes, I'm loving every minute of it despite my whinging!:D). Lovely shots all round! I like #2 and #3 the best, with #2 gettting the edge for more dawn/dusk-ish light and thus more thematic.
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
To be honest, I like all the shots.
#1 feels like a real adventure. It has foreground, middle and background interest and the clarity of it draws my eye in and around the bank of the lake where it settles to look at the mountain and its reflection. Lovely shot.
#2 Just great tones and nice tight composition. There's a nicel contrast with the cool of the bottom right against the warmth of the top left and real feeling of depth as the tones change on each mountain. A good example of chiaroscuro and the balance and harmony that comes with it. For me, this is the standout of this group.
#3 Similar to #1, but the darkness of the foreground stops my eye from naturally moving there and I find that my look is stuck a little on the right side where the mountain is. Still pleasant, but my eye doesn't flow around this frame like it does with #1.
#4 Again, lovely quality to the light and I can feel the warmth in the foreground. Nice clarity as well and a good feeling of depth with the foreground and then the mountain in the distance. Overall nice and my only reservation about the image is that almost half the frame is clear blue sky with little interest there. Some clouds would really lift this image to the next level and provide interest in all parts of the frame. Since that isn't possible this round, I'd drop this one from consideration and then switch the sky out and print the image big to sell as a print.
Hope my 0.02 helps.