Photoshop template for 4" Buttons

Hi all,
Weird request, but I'm going to be selling buttons as part of a charity promo I just photographed and out of curiousity, if anyone has a template for the 4" buttons so that I can create a cute design meeting EZ Prints specifications.
Weird request, but I'm going to be selling buttons as part of a charity promo I just photographed and out of curiousity, if anyone has a template for the 4" buttons so that I can create a cute design meeting EZ Prints specifications.
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well, it was not raving the customer support. :cry In my opinion it was poor. I needed a little more information other than the buttom was based upon a 4.5" square photo...considering I was adding design elements and circular text to the button. Needless to say, I made my own design, template tested it by having it printed and had the results I needed way before customer support even addressed my issue.:ivar
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