unable to edit bio to fix problem
Ok so this morning I made a quick change to the xhtml in my journal to better position my slideshow. Well apparently I left something open because I have "/div>" showing up at the bottom of my bio section. As a result of the bad div in my bio, my footer is screwed up AND my galleries page has become unviewable even to me! :uhoh:
The really big problem is when I try to edit my bio section (by clicking the "edit" link) the entire section dissapears and the usual text box doesnt come up at all. I know the problem effecting the rest of my page is from the screwy bio section because when I hide it the other problems go away...but then I have an empty main page.
Is there a way to edit the html in my bio section without using the normal edit box? Or a way to get the editing text box back? :dunnoI really need to fix this ASAP since my site is pretty much out of commission until its repaired (eek!!). Thanks in advance guys!
The really big problem is when I try to edit my bio section (by clicking the "edit" link) the entire section dissapears and the usual text box doesnt come up at all. I know the problem effecting the rest of my page is from the screwy bio section because when I hide it the other problems go away...but then I have an empty main page.
Is there a way to edit the html in my bio section without using the normal edit box? Or a way to get the editing text box back? :dunnoI really need to fix this ASAP since my site is pretty much out of commission until its repaired (eek!!). Thanks in advance guys!
Go to the control panel. Click on the homepage tab. In the Bio section, hit Edit and you should be able to fix it there.
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I used my SmugMug Support Hero Powers
The blog :-)
please help me I am having the same problem, I am unable to edit my bio section.
Thank you in advance
Did you try what I suggested in the 2nd message in this thread?
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Alas, I am experiencing the same problem. I cut/pasted some html code into my Bio section for a calendar I had for sale and now that I want to get rid of it, I can't. :cry
As soon as I click edit (in the homepage OR using the control panel>homepage>bio>edit path as suggested by jfriend)) everything but the photo goes away and there is no edit box. So there is nothing there to cut/delete. I also noticed the borders for all of the sections below the Bio section are now nested within the Bio border.
What I want to do is make it all go back to the way it was before I tried to get cute in the Bio section. I want to remove all of the "for sale" crud and get the Bio back to being all about moi!
Suggestions welcomed!
This behavior can happen when you have unclosed tags in your HTML. See the second message in this thread for how to get access to the stuff you put in the Bio without this problem.
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jfriend, thank you for your prompt reply. As I indicated in my post to the thread however, I did follow the steps you had suggested in the second post of this thread PRIOR to posting my message and it did not work either.
Still stuck.:cry
Then, clear everything out of the bio and start fresh. There are so many errors in your HTML that I can't even really list them all. Instead, I'd suggest you clear everything out of your bio and then paste this clean HTML text in:
<i><b>*** NEW FOR SALE ***
<li>25 Pages of Detroit Firefighters in action</li>
<li>11" X 8.5" - Full color photography</li>
<li>$18.00 per calendar</li>
<li>Calendar can be ordered secure online through the link below.</li>
Fire Photography By:
<a href="http://www.emergencyserviceimages.com">Rick Nohl - Emergency Service Images</a>
<a href="http://www.firstduephotos.com">Ted Pendergast - First Due Photos</a>
<a href="http://www.dmdimages.smugmug.com">Damian Drella - DMD Images</a>
<a href="http://www.towniesphotos.smugmug.com">Paul Basset - Townies Photos</a>
<a href="http://www.lulu.com/content/3364510">
<img src="http://www.lulu.com/services/buy_now_buttons/images/blue.gif" border="0" alt="DETROIT FIREGROUND ACTION - 2009 CALANDER.">
FDNY Apparatus Gallery, FIRST DUE! at a storefront fire in Union City, NJ and a New Hampshire Apparatus Gallery...stay tuned!
** MAY 23 2008: Three (3) new Galleries Added of Fireground Images from fires in Detroit and Hamtramck Michigan and Detroit Apparatus and Firehouses
** JAN 25 2008: Gallery Of Photos Added To Fireground Section covering a major 5-Alarm Fire in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
Welcome to FIRST DUE! Fireground Photography!
Basically, this site is designed from the ground up purely as a photography website. While my primary area of photographic interest is the Fire Service, I will also be posting a lot of my other photographic work here as well.
I welcome your comments on individual photos as well as the website in general. There are places to post your comments here or, feel free to email me at firstduephotos-at-comcast-dot-net
The host company (smugmug.com) allows for easy print ordering. If you see an image that you'd like to order a copy of, just click the appropriate icon above the image. For the most part, the horizontal images are optimized for 8x12 prints while the veritical shots are optimized for 8x10 prints. When ordering, please note the cropping box when you get to the cart screen. You can accept the image "as is" or do some limited cropping yourself. If you have any problems or questions, please contact me at firstduephotos-at-comcast-dot-net.
If you are on the job and are requesting images from an incident you worked, definately email me before ordering.
Thank you for visiting FIRST DUE!
-Ted Pendergast
FIRST DUE! Fireground Photography
This may not be exactly the formatting you want, but if we can start with something that is legal HTML, we can then tune it to add any additional formatting you want.
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I really do appreciate your patience with me.
As I indicated, the very first problem I am having is that I cannot even get to an EDIT box so that I can work with the html coding (to cut or paste or even highlight). As stated earlier, NEITHER the edit box in the Bio section OR the Bio edit box using the control panel>homepage>Bio path you suggested appears for me. In fact, when I go the control panel>homepage route, all I get is "Fun Stuff You Can Add to Your Homepage" at the top and then listings of keywords etc. Am I in the wrong place??
I think once I can get to the right place so that I can actually get my hands on the html code I can manipulate it to correct the errors I know are present.
What I want to do is just keep the following and get rid of everything else...
FDNY Apparatus Gallery, FIRST DUE! at a storefront fire in Union City, NJ and a New Hampshire Apparatus Gallery...stay tuned!
** MAY 23 2008: Three (3) new Galleries Added of Fireground Images from fires in Detroit and Hamtramck Michigan and Detroit Apparatus and Firehouses
** JAN 25 2008: Gallery Of Photos Added To Fireground Section covering a major 5-Alarm Fire in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
Welcome to FIRST DUE! Fireground Photography!
Basically, this site is designed from the ground up purely as a photography website. While my primary area of photographic interest is the Fire Service, I will also be posting a lot of my other photographic work here as well.
I welcome your comments on individual photos as well as the website in general. There are places to post your comments here or, feel free to email me at firstduephotos-at-comcast-dot-net
The host company (smugmug.com) allows for easy print ordering. If you see an image that you'd like to order a copy of, just click the appropriate icon above the image. For the most part, the horizontal images are optimized for 8x12 prints while the veritical shots are optimized for 8x10 prints. When ordering, please note the cropping box when you get to the cart screen. You can accept the image "as is" or do some limited cropping yourself. If you have any problems or questions, please contact me at firstduephotos-at-comcast-dot-net.
If you are on the job and are requesting images from an incident you worked, definately email me before ordering.
Thank you for visiting FIRST DUE!
-Ted Pendergast
FIRST DUE! Fireground Photography
Again, my issue right now is gaining access to the html code so I can edit it. The two means already discussed are not getting me there.
Thank you for your patience,
Oh and I promise NEVER to mess with html again until I educate myself alot more.... scouts honor!
There's only one other means that I know of. Go to control panel, Settings tab, find where it says "Bio" and click the link next to it that says "Change". If this won't work, then you need to contact Smugmug support directly and have them fix it.
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That did it John. May the photo gods smile upon you! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your assistance in removing this thorn from my side.