A few more WWII bomber shots
The "Aluminum Overcast " was the one I bought a ride on....cost $400 for about a 45 minute flight and worth every nickel.

The f0llowing two shots are of the belly turret on the " Aluminum Overcast ". The second ia a little lighter than I would normaly process but I wanted to show the interior with some detail. The two machine guns are the square looking boxes on the top right and top left. You had to be very small to get into this thing.....I mean TINY....and the thought of flying a 6 to 8 hour mission, or more, cramped in this turret is incomprehensible to me.

B-24 tail turret

B-17 " 909 " tail turret

The f0llowing two shots are of the belly turret on the " Aluminum Overcast ". The second ia a little lighter than I would normaly process but I wanted to show the interior with some detail. The two machine guns are the square looking boxes on the top right and top left. You had to be very small to get into this thing.....I mean TINY....and the thought of flying a 6 to 8 hour mission, or more, cramped in this turret is incomprehensible to me.

B-24 tail turret

B-17 " 909 " tail turret

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
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Jeff Meyers
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Howdy Tom,
What great colors, you've really captured some wonderful images, I'll bet it was a wonderful experience.
Very nicely done!!
Burleson, Texas