Freestyle Skijumping
Here are a few shots I took at the Lake Placid Freestyle Aerial Training Center. They launch pretty high into the air and land in a large pool. The grandstands were a little too far away for my 100mm lens, so I wandered downhill about 100' away and shot these with my 400mm. This was a lot tougher to shoot than I expected. The skiiers are blocked from your view by the tall 'launching ramp' at the end of the downhill and then you have less than a second to get an auto-focus lock and keep them in frame as they are doing their acrobatics.
D200, Sigma 15-30 f3.5-5.6, Nikon 50mm f1.8, 100mm f2.8, SB600
So you CAN go watch a ski jumping competition when it's 90 degrees out. Ha ha!
When shooting sports that involve a ball, tight crops that include the ball are highly desirable. With skiing, think of the mountain/scenery as the ball.
it's not the size of the lens that matters... It's how you focus it.
aaaaa.... who am I kidding!
whoever dies with the biggest coolest piece of glass, wins!
I have a bias for tight crops showing a subjects attempt at personal best. For me it's worth the loss of scale.