DSS#9 selections for a newbie...

Hello, I have a few that I snapped in the past week that if you all could help me narrow down, I'd appreciate it! I know I broke some rules as far as framing and the rule of thirds. I hope 5 is not too many...









You have some great shots here, but the one that says "Dawn or Dusk" to me is #3.
Great job on all of them.
All of them are very nice!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
#1 is my favorite though, I think the only thing that would make it better would be the sun a bit off center, but it's a really nice shot proportions are excellent IMO.
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I wanted to get more treeline in 3 as well but I was just trying to keep houses out of the shot as there were lights on and in the viewfinder it just detracted from the shot.
Ah yes. I completely understand.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
But before you post it to the entry thread, make sure the longest side is not more than 800 pixels. Currently your photo is larger than that.