>DSS #9: Dusk or Dawn Feedback Thread



  • ElaineElaine Registered Users Posts: 3,532 Major grins
    edited October 7, 2008
    JAG wrote:
    Cool. Glad you got to visit up here Elaine! Come again soon! With all the photographers that are smugmuggers too up here...we could have our own shoot out!

    My husband is from Anchorage, my brother lives in Palmer, and I once lived at Victory Bible Camp (went to first grade at Glacier View School on the Matanuska). We'll probably be up there at Christmas! :D

    Comments and constructive critique always welcome!

    Elaine Heasley Photography
  • GrlyGrly Registered Users Posts: 140 Major grins
    edited October 7, 2008
    I really like reading about the behind the scenes work!

    For me, this challenge was difficult due to the time limits. I had to sneak out of the house without my little daughter noticing several times! haha I think that I hit over 200 shots!

    At first I tried to think outside the box and do something at home. Like this one which I was thinking of titling "It just dawned on me!" hahahah (my poor husband)


    I also considered adding a new toilet paper roll to my previous entry in DSS #8 "polished off" and calling it "the dawning of a new roll".

    Realizing how goofy these ideas were I decided to brave the 6 am saturday morning breeze and head out to shoot. I was most upset to find out that it was extreme overcast and never once saw the sun peak out from behind the clouds.

    This lead me to my evening adventures at the park. I am sure that all the families playing thought I was completely insane. I would hop from one subject to the next, laying in the sand, climbing on slides, and looking like a mad woman! Oh well! That's the price we pay for art right? :D

    Thanks again for putting these challenges together! They truly get me thinking outside of the box and also give me new appreciation for things that I would normally take for granted, in this case how beautiful and peaceful it is to watch the sun rising and setting :)
  • sbargesbarge Registered Users Posts: 78 Big grins
    edited October 7, 2008
    My Top 10 favorites
    #3 Desert Dusk
    #13 City Silhouette
    #14 Sunrays
    #17 Morning Dew
    #18 Basking in the Afterglow
    #19 Oats in the Morning
    #35 Enchanged Breakfast
    #50 In the misty morning fog
    #54 Night Evaporates
    #56 Dawn of your new pants

    This has been a lot of fun and a great learning experience for me. Looking forward to future challenges!
  • dlplumerdlplumer Registered Users Posts: 8,081 Major grins
    edited October 7, 2008
    Thanks to all who included me in their favs, and a special shout out to PYRO for including me on his "Awesome" list wings.gif :ivar
  • FlyingginaFlyinggina Registered Users Posts: 2,639 Major grins
    edited October 7, 2008
    Tentacion wrote:
    Wow pretty cool....

    I had 9 of the winning photos selected in my Top Favs.

    Donna P

    Yay!! Wish you had had ten, but thanks for including mine in your choices. I was in excellent company. clap.gif

    "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus

  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited October 7, 2008
    I had a hard time picking my favorites & I still haven't voted because I can't decide which one I like best.headscratch.gif

    I also want to send a special 'thank you very much' to Pyro for including me on his 'awesome' list. That made my day & I appreciate it!

    My faves (in order of entry):
    3 - Desert Dusk, ilbcnu
    13- City Silhouette, davev
    28-that ole man river, divamum
    46-an evening stroll, cmkultradome (beautiful shot)
    50-Misty Morning Fog, ic4u
    52-We all live under the same sun, pyroPrints (Very unique!)
    54 - Night evaporates, CSwinton
    55 - Getting up, jwear (the flying geese really add something)
    59 - Another day's end at Horsetooth Reservoir, sbarge
    68 - Soft Flowing Morning, swintonphoto (I really like this one too--unique)

    There were many more that I also liked a lot, but it was so hard to narrow down to 10. I'm glad I don't have to judge these. Well shoot, if I were judging that would mean I had a shot that was good enough to win. I guess I'll have to make it my goal to be a judge one day after all. mwink.gif

    Congrats to all the finalists. Good luck.

  • GeNeGeNe Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited October 8, 2008

    Thanks to cmurph and pyroprint for including my photo in their collages! I really didn't expect to get any recognition! I was flying back into Los Angeles and the rare clouds were fantastic. Thanks guys!
  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited October 9, 2008
    Looks like this is the place to post a behind the scenes or outtakes post,
    since cmurph also posted hers here.

    Several of you have asked me how was my entry for DSS#9 done in camera.

    I wasn't going to bother putting up a outtakes post but since it was asked so many times here it is.

    Celestial Alignment was created using several Styrofoam balls (the dense variety) laying on black felt, Saturn was stuck onto a wooden skewer and the rings are a red clear plastic with glitter glued onto the plastic disc then stuck into the planet with another skewer. Color temperature set to 10000k for warmth, lit by already 6200k Flash.
    The small moon by Jupiter is stuck to the planet with a pin.

    The trick is to get all the planets aligned so that the light hits each one evenly.. Not easy!

    After several configurations with and without Saturn (with and without glitter) I finally decided on the final entry mainly due to the way it looked 3 dimensional and like an actual photo of some planets vs. what they really were.

    I hope this answers some questions about HOW.

    I have to thank SmugMug, Digital Grin and the whole human element behind both entities for bringing such motivating challenges to us.

    Here are a couple outtake images that reveal the mystery behind the image.



  • shatchshatch Registered Users Posts: 798 Major grins
    edited October 9, 2008
    sherstone wrote:
    Looks like this is the place to post a behind the scenes or outtakes post,
    since cmurph also posted hers here.

    Several of you have asked me how was my entry for DSS#9 done in camera.

    I wasn't going to bother putting up a outtakes post but since it was asked so many times here it is.

    Celestial Alignment was created using several Styrofoam balls (the dense variety) laying on black felt, Saturn was stuck onto a wooden skewer and the rings are a red clear plastic with glitter glued onto the plastic disc then stuck into the planet with another skewer. Color temperature set to 10000k for warmth, lit by already 6200k Flash.
    The small moon by Jupiter is stuck to the planet with a pin.

    The trick is to get all the planets aligned so that the light hits each one evenly.. Not easy!

    After several configurations with and without Saturn (with and without glitter) I finally decided on the final entry mainly due to the way it looked 3 dimensional and like an actual photo of some planets vs. what they really were.

    I hope this answers some questions about HOW.

    I have to thank SmugMug, Digital Grin and the whole human element behind both entities for bringing such motivating challenges to us.

    Here are a couple outtake images that reveal the mystery behind the image.




    Brilliant! Simply Brilliant!!!! thumb.gif
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