Old Wagon Wheel

I just wanted to say hello to everyone. This is my first image post on dgrin so hopefully everything goes ok.
Original Image:

Original in B&W:

Reprocessed Colour:

Reprocessed Colour in B&W:

*This post was edited to include the photos other than the "Original Image".*
Original Image:

Original in B&W:

Reprocessed Colour:

Reprocessed Colour in B&W:

*This post was edited to include the photos other than the "Original Image".*
I like this shot a lot. I shoot this kind of stuff frequently myself.
IMHO it feels a bit flat, I'd bring the colors out a bit more myself.
Thank you very much, I find I mainly shoot equine/equestrian photos and rarely have time to do any photography for myself or "just because".
Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
Thank you for taking the time to look. I also processed this shot three other ways.
I'll edit the original post to include the 3 other ways.
Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography