My Photoblog
Howdy folks!
I am not 100% sure if this is the right place to ask for
a site critique, but I would like to get some feedback on
my (first) photo blog.
I don't want to sell images with it, I just want to show some
of my work to friends and family and have a place to point
the people to when they ask me where they can see some
of my pictures.
I named it "luminous aken" after the city where I live and where
I make most of my pictures.
here is the link (with english translation):
here is the original site (in german):
Thank you for taking the time!
I am not 100% sure if this is the right place to ask for
a site critique, but I would like to get some feedback on
my (first) photo blog.
I don't want to sell images with it, I just want to show some
of my work to friends and family and have a place to point
the people to when they ask me where they can see some
of my pictures.
I named it "luminous aken" after the city where I live and where
I make most of my pictures.
here is the link (with english translation):
here is the original site (in german):
Thank you for taking the time!
“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”
― Edward Weston
― Edward Weston
― Edward Weston
I do like your photoblog Website. Mein Deutsch is very limited, aber mein englisch ist nicht. The Site in English does not read well. It starts out okay but quickly segueues into poor diction and sentence structure. You may have to translate it all yourself versus using a translator.
cheers, tom
My Photos
Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
Equipment List - Check my profile
I do have a couple of suggestions though.
I find the side-by-side presentation of blog entries to be distracting. My eyes didn't light on either of the entries; I'd prefer to see a single entry across. I believe that would allow me to more easily focus on the entries. (That's obviously a personal preference though...).
You have 7 navbar entries. Only two different pages are shown when you click the 7 entries. I'd recommend either collapsing into fewer navbar entries or removing some of them.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
There are only 3 articles as of now, the menu 7 items (=categories) will be
filled with content the more I blog.
It's kind of difficult to mix a photosite with a blog I guess that could cause
some confusion for users at first. I have to think about the two parallel
articles thing mentioned, it makes sense...
― Edward Weston