Model airplane photo contest!

Well my friends fly these controlled ofcourse 
Some of you guys know that i did a similair shoot this summer, this time it´s time for a contest. First price is 10 000 SEK aka 1 381 american dollars.

Some of you guys know that i did a similair shoot this summer, this time it´s time for a contest. First price is 10 000 SEK aka 1 381 american dollars.
This shot is taken with canon 70-200 f/4 IS, even though the lens is capable, im stil struggeling to get these darn panos to work. The planes are just so small in the air!. Even if they are 2 meters in span with. Another problem is to get some background insted of just sky. . . And i think im going for something like this, selective coloring or just something else. The pictures taken for the swedish magazines and so on are just plain booring..Think my chanse is to stick out from the crowd. What do you think?

Not allowed to enter Henry's alone anymore...
Kyle Derkachenko Photography
I don't recall ever seeing selective coloring done with model
aircraft, boats, et.... Not that I look at hobby mags of such
things a great deal. But over time I have looked at many.
The selective coloring you have done here works for me.
The prop blur is excellent. The point made that the shot
might have higher impact with the canopy facing you is a
good one. But certainly not the final word. My taste is to
have a good portion of the canopy showing if I can get it.
In this nice shot of yours the aircraft is more leaving the
frame than coming into it. Folks do go on about action
items having better impact coming in than going out of frame.
So maybe a crop is in order to gain the appearance of coming
into frame.
My 2 cents.
I think that the selective colorization is great - especially with the freezed pan over a moving background. The sharpness you achieved is really something.
But I think that someone else posting a shot with major control surface deflection will get higher scores in votes. Regardless of how inferior the shot.
The r/c guys - especially the power guys - like to see torqued out deflection on the control surfaces.
That being said, any glider shot (sailplane, non-powered) with a landscaped background, should be tops.
I like what you've done though. Just saying - about the r/c geeks, and all.