Help With the sb800 flash please.
I have never used the sb800 flash before. I have a wedding coming up on the 25th and it is taking place at 5pm. Both the ceremony and the reception are outside. I was wondering if it is possible to just plug and play(per-say) or if i have to match it to my camera settings. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thank You so much!
Here is a great site for learning how to use your small lights: Strobist
Good luck with it.
Duh im shooting with the nikon d70!
a few thoughts though:
1) during the daytime, if you're outdoors, you're likely fighting against the sun. in which case, i suggest shooting in shutter priority on your camera and make sure you keep your shutter speed UNDER 1/250s; that's the max sync speed for the D70.
2) be aware of your recycle times. if it's a midday sun and you're firing dead on, your flash will likely pop full power each time; this takes a good 3-4 seconds to recycle. be mindful of this otherwise you'll increase the chances of popping your flash tube.
3) don't try to bounce. it never ceases to amaze me how often i see so-called photographers trying to bounce into the clear blue sky.
4) use ambient light when you can and use the SB-800 only for fill lighting.
good luck!
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You should be able to get away with ISO 200 but bump it as it gets later.
Don't know what you're using for a lense but with the flash you'll probably want to keep it close to 5.6
Also, invest in a Stofen diffuser (20 bucks). It's worth it at any price. If you can't get one, throw some tiolet paper on the lense and keep your flash angled at the 45% when shooting the group shots or anything closer than 10 feet.
Good luck....
Post some of the results!
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Toys: Nikon D3x, D300s w/MD10 grip, D300, Fuji S3Pro &S2Pro,
Nikon 18-200 VR, Nikkor 80-200 2.8, Nikon 105mm 2.8
With your flash on camera, the computers in the two units will talk to each other (that's the i-TTL/TTL working for you) to help keep the flash power where it needs to be. You may need to dial down the flash a bit because camera computers tend to be a little stupid!
Working outdoors, try to use the sun as your main light and your flash as fill. This will do two things for you: (1) usually give you more pleasing photos and (2) conserve your batteries (competing against the sun is a loosing battle!).
For light modifier suggestions, take a look at Ziggy's post. He has three or four links to ideas that REALLY WORK. Check it out.
Bill O'Neill's suggestion to shoot in RAW is 100% spot on. The extra data you get when shooting RAW mode can help you rescue a shot that would be unrecoverable had it been saved as JPG only. Memory is cheap, get what you need to do the job right!
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you would be amazed at all the photogs I see shoot with a bounce flash pointed to the:
* Sky
* Concert ceiling about 30-40' overhead
* Some badly colored surface, such as black or deep blue or bright red...etc.
Shoot at your subject with your flash modifier as Scott and others recommend.
Shoot RAW. Don't overexpose and learn how to read your histograms. Do not trust the full LCD pic. Trust your histograms.
Check your focus frequently.
Have fun!
The are only two aspects of the picture displayed on the LCD that I trust (1) the composition, and (2) the over-exposure blinkies. And even the blinkies is not the entire truth. If it's not blinking, you haven't blown anything, but if it is blinking, there is still a chance that you have not blown anything - in the RAW file. The blinkies, like the histogram, reflect the data in the embedded JPG.
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