#10 what do you think?

Do you see a connection with the poem? I don't have much time to shoot for this because I am leaving town in a few days so what do you think? Is it a keeper or should I try something else tonight?
My Heart Cries Out...

Edit: Oct. 15th
Ok...let me know if posting the xl is too large? or should I stick with the large? I am out of town right now so all I can do is play with what I have...
2~without the text

3~with text
My Heart Cries Out...

Edit: Oct. 15th
Ok...let me know if posting the xl is too large? or should I stick with the large? I am out of town right now so all I can do is play with what I have...
2~without the text

3~with text

pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I like the photo, it's really neat, but just so I understand.... hehe.
a) Is he supposed to be dead, and thats why she has his dogtags?
b) Or is he on his deathbed dreaming about: 1) her and him together and 2) her after he ends up dying, crying, and holding his dogtags.
c) I am stupid and way off.
As a side note, I was just curious about the spot on his arm, was that fabricated in there? For some reason i keep looking at it. hehe.
Thanks. I have been reading this poem over and over and over again, and I have come up with some theories about the poem and EAP's life, but I just would like to understand fully what part(s) of the poem other people are focusing on.
Thanks Gage for looking and commenting. After reading the poem at least a dozen times....It seems to me the the writer was talking about desparation...not quite knowing what the future holds. As any poem...its sometimes left for the reader to come up with the interpretation that fits best. My picture does the same. Is the man dead? Or is he in deep shock after a battle...thinking of his love back home if she were to hear of his death? Will she remember his love and the good times? This by means is only one interpretation that I had in mind. Like the fruitless grasping of the sand in the poem...he cannot change or help what she might think when he is gone. Desparation. I could go on about what she might be thinking....
As for the bruise on his arm....it was added for effect. An old bruise to indicate a long journey.
I see the connection to the poem.
I am wondering what it would look like if the white haze in front of her was gone -but the flag stayed -and she was darkened a little to match the other top insert.
For some reason I too go to his upper arm mark. Maybe lighten so it isn't drawing like the lower arm one?
Iam still new here and returning from a long hiatus from photography so everthing is IMO----
Great concept
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
Thats what I love about this challenge! So many ways to interpret and apperently my image has made different people view different things...left for interpretation!
Are you sure the bruise wouldn't work better a bit darker, so it's clearer what it is (rather than lightened up?). Might be worth trying just to see what it looks like
When I look at the image, I can definitely see your interpretation of the theme here and what you are trying to achieve. Keeping the battle wiery soldier in color and changing the others to B&W places prominence on the soldier and I can see that he is having memories of happy times in the past.
That side of it I get well.
What doesn't quite work for me with the overall image at the moment is that it feels like 3 separate images sharing one frame. It doesn't all tie together in a seemless way yet.
Memories are things that happen in the mind and it might be useful to play around with the position of the other two shots so that they are both closer to his head. That might help viewers to naturally associate the three and tie it together more. I don't know if that would really work, just thinking aloud really.
I agree with Peter about the separation of the images. Here is a quick and dirty version to show the placement that I think works better. IMHO. If it was me I would brighten the top left image a little also.
Good luck.
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
Also I am leaving up to interpretation that the girl might be the one having the dream of the two of them together...a dream within a dream. His is the worry of herapon his death..and hers is the memories they shared together. The somewhat disassociation is to make the viewer think alittle about whats going on...is he dead or not? Whose dreams are they?
Thanks again for the brainstorming. I prefer what I have at the moment.
My Site, My Book
Commenting on the photo as posted in the OP, this is one of the strongest, most emotionally moving photos I have seen in a very, very long time. I'm sitting here with tears running down my face, choked up to the point that I can hardly swallow, and finding it difficult to breath 'cause my nose is running so much.
The first "message" or story I see it got right away. I'm envisioning a soldier after a patrol, with minor wounds, feeling home-sick, missing his wife, remembering the good times, wanting to return to them, the juxiposition of those good times with the horror that is war.
Then I see his DW/GF holding the only part of him that she has. Looking at the photo from her point of view, it's hard to tell if she's remembering him after his death or just remember the good times (see upper left corner
This is a successful photo on so many levels and, depending on what you want to see, with so many different possible intrepretations! I am in awe!(FWIW:D). Not much more to be said.
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OTOH, two things are bugging me: 1) he really needs a shave and 2) what model is that rifle?
Photos - still under construction, suggestions welcome
I get blamed for alot of things.
Thanks for looking and commenting!
I guess what bugs me about it is that after days at battle, he wouldn't be partially shaven; there's only light stubble except for what appears to be several weeks' worth of goatee.
That could have worked with different clothing, a different flag, and something to replace the dogtags...in fact, it might be an interesting variation to explore later. Depending on the musket, it could be done as many other battles around and before the War of Northern Aggression.
Photos - still under construction, suggestions welcome
Nikon shooter since 1965
Awesome composite! I might suggest doing something with the text on the left edge since it is hard to read since it blends in with the photo on the right. I differently think adding the part of the poem really adds to the composite!<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/clap.gif" border="0" alt="" > <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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