OK, I liked the look of the barn, but as you can see by the fence, it was on someone elses property and I wasn't in the mood to bother someone with permission to take pictures of their barn, so I couldn't get closer and play with my 10-22 lens.
I'm bored by this shot, but I kind of like the B&W version. However, I'm not sure it's because "I want to like it," or because it's decent. Please help. I have thick skin. Wail away. Thanks.

I'm bored by this shot, but I kind of like the B&W version. However, I'm not sure it's because "I want to like it," or because it's decent. Please help. I have thick skin. Wail away. Thanks.

I would probably like the b/w just as well but it appears to be over processed. Did you do something in post?
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Really gives a lovely feel to your image
The B&W seems to harsh to me
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I think I went a little overboard with the shadow and highlight tool in trying to empohasize the wood grain.
How's this?