Thoughts on DSS #10

I also felt that E.A.P. was saying goodbye or trying to let go of someone or something. I don't remember if he wrote this before or after his wife died. So, with that said, I went for an image that says someone is missing or being missed.

Possible titles:
I Will Miss You
Lost Love
Loves Lost
All C&C on the image and any other suggestion on a title is appreciated.
— Kevin

Possible titles:
I Will Miss You
Lost Love
Loves Lost
All C&C on the image and any other suggestion on a title is appreciated.
— Kevin
Enjoy today....tomorrows not garranteed!
I hadn't thought of that. I like it. Thanks JAG.
My Site, My Book
Only tiny quibble: the bench and the foreground tree are slightly competing for my eye (especially since the tree trunk is very dark on my monitor). HOwever, that is a very SMALL quibble - I really like it!
Enjoy today, tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Another title that crossed my mind while working the new image was...
The Winter Of Our Discontent
Thanks again
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
And on my monitor, the 2nd one works MUCH better, so go figure!
Great image either way, though
Yeah, monitor variance is my biggest complaint about the digital photography age. My home monitor is pretty bright. My work monitors aren't. Most images look good on one or the other, but not both.
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
Thanks again for looking and commenting. Hopefully I'm getting close.
— Kevin
My Site, My Book