Hot chicks, outdoor shower and.......

other assorted bird oddities :rofl
Hello All,
Well all this pic posting got me antsy and I just had to go shoot today. I had business in San Francisco, so I stopped at the Baylands for 45 minutes on my way back home.
Lots of noise there :rolleyes Chicks all over and the overcast weather was threatening to mess up any chance of a good shot :huh I was in such a hurry I forgot to turn the camera back to RAW :rofl So I was stuck shooting white birds in jpg only :uhoh I didn't realize this at the time, of course I thought I had changed the setting :dunno But I forgot to push the set button :doh
Anyhow here are some birds
Freshly baked, er hatched Egret :lol

A little Night Heron disipline. "Boy you fell outta the tree by yourself, yer gonna have to figure out how to get back up there by yourself"

As promised the outside shower pic :rolleyes

I wrapped up my all too short shooting time by visiting the barn swallows. They look to be trading off sitting on eggs and I think we're going to see some chicks soon

Thanks for looking. As always comments and/or suggestions welcome
Hello All,
Well all this pic posting got me antsy and I just had to go shoot today. I had business in San Francisco, so I stopped at the Baylands for 45 minutes on my way back home.
Lots of noise there :rolleyes Chicks all over and the overcast weather was threatening to mess up any chance of a good shot :huh I was in such a hurry I forgot to turn the camera back to RAW :rofl So I was stuck shooting white birds in jpg only :uhoh I didn't realize this at the time, of course I thought I had changed the setting :dunno But I forgot to push the set button :doh
Anyhow here are some birds

Freshly baked, er hatched Egret :lol

A little Night Heron disipline. "Boy you fell outta the tree by yourself, yer gonna have to figure out how to get back up there by yourself"

As promised the outside shower pic :rolleyes

I wrapped up my all too short shooting time by visiting the barn swallows. They look to be trading off sitting on eggs and I think we're going to see some chicks soon

Thanks for looking. As always comments and/or suggestions welcome

SmugMug Support Hero
see you for dinner i mean shooting tomw night! heck... dinner and shooting - or oh hell, dinner'll be just fine
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enjoy your dinner err shooting and diner
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Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
That sucked me in
Great shots Steve!
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
I appreciate you taking the time to respond,
You know we'll definitely do dinner. If the weather cooperates, we might even shoot a few frames, but definitely dinner
See ya later today,
Some folks eat to live, Andy and I live to eat
Thanks for looking,
Yeah, there was no one else out there shooting. So I shot pretty efficiently. I spent 30 minutes at the rookery and about 10 minutes at the building with the swallows. I think I took about 50 shots, or so. If someone would have been there to talk to, I probably would have come home with about 10
Thanks for the comments,
I'll have to get myself down there, but I don't know when,
Maybe I can get there Thursday for awhile, if I'm not too wound up trying to get ready for Yosemite. Still have to round stuff up to pack up the car...
Hey, I'll finally get a chance to meet you!
Thanks for sharing!
I was trying to keep it PG-13, yet make the title a bit titillating. I bet lots of folks were disappointed with the shower pic.....
Thanks for the comments and thanks for yesterday's message
Yep, that little guy was having a ball. I got more pics, but he was kicking up so much water most of the other shots have big drops of water, suspened in air, right in front of his face or
Thanks for taking the time to comment,
You better hurry if you're gonna hit the Baylands before Yosemite. You can always make a quick stop on the way though. That is if the rain holds off
Yeah, we live like 45 miles away from each other and probably work within 10 miles of each other and have never It will be nice to finally meet you and Ed along with all the other people who have, til now, just been names
See ya on Friday
Nice shots / chicks, Steve. Ofcourse you just knew you'd sucker us into looking with a title like that, didn't you?
I don't know where you guys / gals keep finding birds with their chicks, I never get that lucky!! My friends say I've been chained to the beach and, need to get out and hike the woods a bit now. Maybe i'll just take a drive over to Harry's house and do a swamp thing he he.
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
I noticed one other nest with chicks, the rest are still sitting on eggs. I "couldn't" see the eggs when I was shooting, but they are so there when I am staring intently at a photo on a computer screen.
The way it looks now, they might be in college before I see them again. Rain til the end of the week, then Bill goes out of town for the weekend.
Why are your birds hatching earlier than mine? In South Carolina, on the coast.
How long do they stay in the nest? Do you know.
ginger, wondering if the Osprey family had theirs. Every bird is a lover or a parent for a long time in the spring.
I saw a good story out my window of a cat being savagely attacked by a small bird, this morning. People have been complaining about cats being let out and attacking birds.
This small bird looked capable of defending himself and his babies, where ever they are. The cat was scared of his shadow by the time he got a few yards away, to his own townhouse.
ginger:thwak (Love those emoticons)
Awwwwwww come on
Our jokes, not our looks
Yeah, I cheated a little bit
Yeah, I saw that other thread with the baby bottom. People are so funny.
Thanks for looking,
Hey, after spending years @ STF, I've learned all the sneaky
As for finding chicks, I'd suggest the internet or a dating service. No wait, you meant birds
Thanks for taking the time to comment,
That barn swallow pic was taken with the 85mm F1.8 and the 580EX. It's a real nice combo
Hey, it's raining here too. Andy and I were rained out tonight :cry But we did have a fine I don't know why the egrets/herons out here are hatching earlier than yours
I don't know how long they will stay in the nest. I do see some that have fallen out of the nest. Like the one in this thread. It's a very low suvival rate if they fall out of the nest. Mom and Dad won't come to the ground to feed them and they are at the mercy of all the bigger/older birds of all species :uhoh
They're pretty much goners :cry I hope to capture some 1st flight shots in the next week
I get a kick out of those little birds that'll kamikaze a Fun stuff to watch.
Thanks for taking the time to comment,