Videos not playing. Then they do after a few hours.
Ive been noticing a major annoyance recently.
Ive been going into some of my galleries and trying to view a video. It doesnt work. Then after a while (say after Ive been to bed and woke up) it works again.
I thought it was just a problem with that video, or maybe even just a one off glitch but Im trying to view other videos in another gallery and its not working. Im guessing they might in a while?
Has anyone else had this problem?
Ive tried viewing the videos now with my home broadband connection, and then another mobile connection as I thought it might have been a problem with my providers dns servers but they are both unsuccessful so I am thinking the problem is with smugmug maybe?
Ive been noticing a major annoyance recently.
Ive been going into some of my galleries and trying to view a video. It doesnt work. Then after a while (say after Ive been to bed and woke up) it works again.
I thought it was just a problem with that video, or maybe even just a one off glitch but Im trying to view other videos in another gallery and its not working. Im guessing they might in a while?
Has anyone else had this problem?
Ive tried viewing the videos now with my home broadband connection, and then another mobile connection as I thought it might have been a problem with my providers dns servers but they are both unsuccessful so I am thinking the problem is with smugmug maybe?
Could you post a link to the video's you are trying to view? and the browser and os you are using?
Are you trying to watch them full screen or in a window?
You could try and clear the cache in your browser, that can cure a hiccuping video
Arrgh! Right - Bit of a setback.. the gallery with the videos that arent playing this time around are in a password protected album so it would be pointless me putting the link up. Ive emailed the support with the link .. (do we get a pro support help email I forget?).. Ill post up the remedy if they fix it in case other people are having the same problem.
WinXP SP2 on IE 8 beta (I know I know it's beta ...) with 2.6MB/s DSL
thank you
Please give it another try with IE 6 / 7 or Firefox 2 /3 . Those are supported and should work.
SmugMug Support Hero
EMail back off support (really quick reponse time!
They said it might be to do with the version of flash I am using. I doubt that can be the problem though if I can view other videos on my account??
That works for me.
Im going to try mine again with ie and safari. Im using ff2 at the moment. Will report back.
Im going to leave it tonight, its doing my head in :pissed. If its like that tomorrow morning Ill send off another email to support.
I'm sure you got this link from the help desk : adobe flash It is the adobe site which checks that your version of flash is up to date. Try it and see
It works when I am logged on into my admin account. However, once Im trying to view them as a guest it doesnt work. Its definately a problem with the guest viewing I would imagine? Is this a smugmug bug?
Check here
use the password: bastardvideobug
It comes up with the loading sign. But the videos dont play!?
I like the password
Try accessing it without any privileges. I can view the videos from my admin account. Not as a guest though. Im going through and using the password when prompted with no privileges and the videos dont work. So its pointless really for me putting them online for guests to see when they cant if you get me?
I tried it in firefox while logged out ( mac and os x ) and it worked
btw, that's a great password
It's helpful to put your SmugMug nickname or a link to your site in your signature, it makes it easier to help you.
Sorry I dont understand all the domain stuff at all. Do you mean the custom url? I bought it from godaddy as recommended by smugmug. I was told all I would have to do it put in my custom url into my custom url/pro options (there was a box for it) and they would do all the work for me. It appeared to have been all done. Has something been done wrong?
If you read the link to the help page, you have to point your domain name It is currently pointed at This page explains how to fix it.
Are you sure that Ill have to do that? If smugmug set up my account wont they have got everything right?
It states on the smugmug site:
Starting from scratch:
SmugMug has partnered with GoDaddy to provide you with one-stop shopping and nearly effortless setup.
- Find/choose a domain name at our partner site.
- Register it with GoDaddy.
- While logged in as a SmugMug Pro, click here to go directly to your Control Panel.
- Paste your new domain name into the 'Custom Hostname' box.
- Click save.
That's all there is to it. SmugMug supports one domain hookup per Professional or Power SmugMug account. We automagically configure your domain settings and, in just minutes, will bring up your SmugMug homepage.Note: will always bring up your SmugMug homepage.
It doesnt mention anything about changing anything to domain.smugmug
Yet on this guide here;
It says that you have to change it.
I also got an email from support though stating that the problem Im having is a know bug - an error with passwords and custom domains and they are working on a fix.
Can I get an official answer as to if I should change it to domain.smugmug before I start messing around with it please?
very confused.. seems like conflicting information from smugmug?
Just to clarify, here.
Shay is correct in telling you to correct your domain settings. You need to do that.
Sorry, but it has nothing to do with this bug. There is a known bug. The video player that will prevent the video from playing in password protected galleries that are attached to custom domain.
Our sorcerers are working on it, and when it's fixed they'll announce it in our release notes. In the mean time, send a link to the gallery with the .smugmug address, instead.
We apologize for the confusion, and hope this answers your questions.
Just reading emails now. Cheers for reply
Are you sure about that? Ive just logged in and its saying
How are you checking? Having a smugmug hero/expert looking at it so should be all done correctly soon hopefully