DSS #10 - Need help with a title
Current submission: Anguish

I'm not sure this title conveys what I want to fit within the theme. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

I'm not sure this title conveys what I want to fit within the theme. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.
my only suggestion would be...
"is this really happening?"
whos the model?
I would call it toe curling...
My dad.
We were sitting around batting ideas back and forth for the pic.... he jumped right in to be the subject when we finally hit on that. He was so into it, too - I loved it.... he was trying to pose this way and that and asking if this or that should be in the photo...
Thanks for the feedback, all. Sincerely appreciated!
Toes are the first thing I noticed too
Very good image!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I really like it. Clear story, genuine impact. I like the way you've used the exposure/contrast etc to force our attention where you want it. And the title works for me, too - it works.
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That was the first title I gave it.
Thank you for the kind words!