Toto spring run 08
We'll early this spring Coldclimb his wife and I had decided to go climbing. So we packed up and headed out.

Well there was alot more pictures between the start and the actual climb but Im still new at getting the ISO right.
Here was are goal Toto its a 2 pitch climb. lucky for us it was a nice sunny day with a couple of clouds.

Of cours John was taking his own shots of us and the area around.

The sun was right behind him but I manged to get this shot while he was climbing.

We stayed in a little cabin the night before we climb hanging the gear out to dry.

After the Climbing was all done we still had much of the day so we decided to jump off a few boulders.

John " Oh that looks cold."

Having fun John?

On the way out took a nice shot of the spring thaw.

All in all was a fun overnight trip.
used a Nikon D40

Well there was alot more pictures between the start and the actual climb but Im still new at getting the ISO right.
Here was are goal Toto its a 2 pitch climb. lucky for us it was a nice sunny day with a couple of clouds.

Of cours John was taking his own shots of us and the area around.

The sun was right behind him but I manged to get this shot while he was climbing.

We stayed in a little cabin the night before we climb hanging the gear out to dry.

After the Climbing was all done we still had much of the day so we decided to jump off a few boulders.

John " Oh that looks cold."

Having fun John?

On the way out took a nice shot of the spring thaw.

All in all was a fun overnight trip.

used a Nikon D40
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