WTB Canon Powershot G3 & G5
I want to buy Canon Powershot G3 & G5 cameras for IR conversion projects. If you have one for sale, please PM or email me with your asking price and a picture of the camera. I will reply ASAP. Thanks!
The cameras need to be fully functional. Come on, get rid of your old G3 & G5s that's collecting dust and sell them to me!
Anybody who has the G3 & G5 for sale, please email or PM me, thanks!
You've got PM! Thanks for offering your G5 for sale!
Still looking... Please email or PM me.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Sent you a PM. Please consider.
Thanks Pathfinder! Paypal'd funds for your G5!
Still looking for more G3s & G5s to buy! Please email or PM me! Thanks!
Year end house cleaning... any sellers? I accept cameras in any conditions as long as they are functioning well. Missing accessories OK. Please email or PM me, thanks!