why is the quality not good on my uploads?

I'm wondering if I have a setting off or if this is just my imagination 
This is from my smugmug gallery and, the same picture from my freebie photobucket account

This is from my smugmug gallery and, the same picture from my freebie photobucket account

Suzanne Only A Glimmer
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The pictures in my smugmug gallery seems blurrier than the photobucket picture. I asked a friend who knows more about computers and she mentioned this..
The first photo is ~ 38 kb, the second is 160k!
Looks like the Smugmug photo has more .jpg compression applied to it.
are we talking about apples and apples?
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yes, it was the same pictures
anyway.. could the smug mug picture being almost half the size even though it is a bigger picture be causing the picture to not be as clear? Or do I have a setting wrong on my smugmug account somewhere? (which knowing me could be very likely
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here's the link in case you need that as well.
They are the same, no?
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I can't tell
(I cropped the photobucket picture after uploading and forgot) My question is..
Why is the quality of my smugmug picture blurrier when I uploaded the full size then the photobucket picture is when I uploaded it the full size as well.
The left is what I get when I upload the full size to smumug and the right and is what I get when I resize it to a smaller size in photoshop and THEN upload it to smugmug
Would it solve the problem if I resized them before I uploaded for clarity reasons and then replaced the picture after they placed an order (with the full size)
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I have been trying to figure out if there are resolution differences between the same pictures that I have uploaded into both flickr and smugmug. I'm certainly seeing what appears to be a difference. The pictures were uploaded with default settings and the photo is straight off the camera without any modification. I right-clicked/properties on the same photo in both systems.
Smugmug: 340x452...65,533 bytes
Flickr: 375x500...141,078 bytes
Increasing the sharpness amount in smugmug increases the image size slightly to 67,840 (I can't see much improvement) and even on large size the 450x600 image is only 104k.
The only conclusion I can come up with is the screen resolution of the images displayed in flickr are higher than smugmug or am I missing something?
The only other factor that comes into play in terms of quality if compression. But a lower compression doesn't mean you're getting more quality. To a certain amount of JPG compression, you don't see any difference other then the file size.
Also, the more sharpened a photo is, the bigger it is in size.
It may be that Flickr uses a more aggressive sharpening since they are optimizing their display for kind of small display sizes.
Such tiny display copies can't really represent a photo very good and are no good basis for a quality comparison. Screens are getting bigger and that's on SmugMug you get to view your photos big.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
my site: www.aspectartsphoto.com
my gear: nikon D700, 70-200 mm 2.8, 24-70 mm 2.8, 50 mm 1.4, SB600, AB800
Please don't take offense, but...
I have also had a pro Flickr acct for a long time. I just today imported all of my Flickr photos to my new power smugmug account using Migrator. As I compare, the Flickr photos (on Flickr) are definitely sharper and seem to be better quality than the exact same images on smugmug.
Is there a way I can remedy this on my smugmug photos? Because I do like the format and customizable-ness (is that a word) of smugmug better. But the photos just don't look the same.
You can adjust sharpening to taste on SmugMug, but before I'd recommend that I want to see your images
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