#10 H E L P !

I am very much out of my comfort zone trying to come up with something to fit that Poe poem. This is what I've been able to come up with. C&C much appreciated. Thanks!







My three year old son calls pictures like this "smooky."
I really like that big old tree but the tree stump seems to get some attention to. What about a vertical crop? Just a thought and since I don't have a comfort zone
peace, gail
I like #1 the best, but they're all beautiful (tres impressionistic) as well as resonant for the text and effective images.
"Smooky"? That's too cute!
Thanks Gail!
How's this look?
peace, gail
Is it possible to make the edges of your 'ghost' more wispy? to me the ghost seems to be a little too solid around the edges.
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
I like the newest one for sure. But agree with Achambers. I think you need to trim a bit more of the white off the edges of the ghost.
Just my 2 cents again. Or is that 4 cents now.
Ok, just ramblings. Btw, what process did you use on the picture, becuase I just LOVE it - is it one of the art treatments? It's so beautiful!
My Site, My Book
Thank you all so much for your suggestions.
#2 (for divamum)
What a great photo!!! I love it. I like the version where the personage (not knowing what to formally refer to her as...) is closest to the tree. I think it gives the eye a more balanced viewing pattern in respect to the rest of the composition. I do however, want to see more of her skirt. It feels just a hair to transparent.
Congrats on a great photo.
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch