Adding (C) watermark

I am uploading to Smugmug from Lightroom, and want to have a Copyright watermark on my photos.
When using the Uploader, I've clicked "Add copyright watermark" but when I look at my pics, I see no copyright mark on the photos.
Is this something available only to Pro accounts?
Or only visible to Viewers & not seen by me when I view my photos?
Thanks for any advice!
When using the Uploader, I've clicked "Add copyright watermark" but when I look at my pics, I see no copyright mark on the photos.
Is this something available only to Pro accounts?
Or only visible to Viewers & not seen by me when I view my photos?
Thanks for any advice!
Watermarking of display copies is a Pro feature. So unless you wish to watermark your original files (not recommended), you will not be able to use watermarks
If the images are watermarked, either by you before uploading. Or, by us. The watermarking would be visible to all.
If you still have questions, please contact the Help Desk and give them a link to one of your galleries. They will investigate and reply to you.
It's a bit useless though as there are no settings for it so for most people the text is so small it's impossible to see unless you zoom in.
Some quick googling brought up this info about it.