
Am making a trip across the pond in a month and thinks I may need some waterproofing for my camera. I'm not looking at doing any major hiking etc..but would like to be able to do some outdoor shooting and not worry too much about water getting where it doesn't belong. Anyone have thoughts on this?
I was going to start a thread similar to this so maybe we can kill two birds with one stone.
I use a backpack when hiking and its waterproof
But I also carry a plastic bag very light weight like the kind dry cleaners uses folds real tight.
This is for real gully washers when it really comes down.
For sports, I use a shoulder bag it's water resistant not as good
So I also carry a plastic bag for that too.
Seems to work very good for me during some football games it rained the whole game and no troubles.
Now for the other side of waterproofing.
What do you guys use for shooting in the rain?
Here's some of the covers that I am looking at
Anyone using any of these?
This one is very expensive so I am not looking too hard at this one
I don't shoot that much in the rain but some
All at Adorama link
Did I miss any ?
What do you guys think ?
I think you've covered them all. One mfg'er that you might also consider is
Lightware. If you've got a long lens (500 or 600), their cover can handle it
with a little left over to tuck your head under.
Thats rubbish look how close the lens is to the front of the protection