Comparing RAW converters

Since I got the D70 one month ago, I've been using Rawshooter Essentials (RSE) for making minor corrections and converting to jpeg. I have not been totally satisfied with the final result, so yesterday I downloaded Nikon Capture 4.2 (NC4) for comparison. I display below the same RAW file converted using both programs. All I did was increase exposure +0.35eV with both, and minimal sharpening.
First, RSE:

Now NC4:

Comments ? On my monitor, the hue is slightly different, but RSE looks slightly sharper. The color temperature was set to the same value on both converters.
First, RSE:

Now NC4:

Comments ? On my monitor, the hue is slightly different, but RSE looks slightly sharper. The color temperature was set to the same value on both converters.
Maybe color is a problem with RSE.
FWIW, I think the detail sharpness is a bit better on the RSE example.
I've been fooling with RSE for a week or so, and I definitely haven't seen the color differences shown by your examples