Strange digital frame issue
It's gotta be something dumb I'm doing. I bought a digital frame for my Mother's birthday and she went to download some pics from my Smugmug account & none of them show up on the frame. They just show up as X's. They're JPG files & show up fine on any viewer but not on the frame. We had other issues with that frame so I took it back & got a Sony DPF-D70. I've got the same issue. If I download the pic from Smugmug & run it through Lightroom (import it as a jpg, export as a jpg) it shows up fine. But straight from Smugmug and it's an X. So far I've tried with a Medium & Large pic from my page. The frame is supposed to resize & handle all sizes of files so I can't think of what else to try.
btw, I hope this is the right spot for this. It's not a hardware issue as I can use this frame fine with any other jpgs. It's just when I yank them from Smugmug that I have trouble.
btw, I hope this is the right spot for this. It's not a hardware issue as I can use this frame fine with any other jpgs. It's just when I yank them from Smugmug that I have trouble.
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I don't have the frame anymore and as I was returning home I was kicking myself for not going to someone else's Smugmug account & trying their pics to see if the same thing happened. I did find that if I saved a pic off of my site & then went into Paint or Adobe PhotoDeluxe and did a Save As or Export I was able to use the pic after that.
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Sorry, I'm not familiar with that term in this context. I just click on any picture, choose Large for the size, then right click on the pic & choose Save Image As.