Adobe PS CS4 is shipping

Upgrade is only $199. :deal
Just got mine (retail version, that is:-) :ivar Hope to install tonight :wink
Just got mine (retail version, that is:-) :ivar Hope to install tonight :wink
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A quick question. I no longer qualify for the educational discount but have CS3 extended. Can I upgrade this to CS4 for the $199 or am I going to have to buy CS4 at retail?
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You may need to check with adobe...
Downloaded new nVidia driver and that fixed some OGL problems that were bugging us for months.
The only gripe - still no 50D support for ACR5.x :cry , so I have to resort to CS3 (and it's recent ACR4.6) to deal with the majority of my Moab piccies.
You can upgrade adobe "eduction" versions with retail upgrades AFAIK. I was just looking into it yesterday and I didn't find anything saying you couldn't. To be on the safe side though, I think the best bet is to talk to customer support with your specific case and they should be able to help.
Adobe's education license allows for commercial works to be created from it. Someone with more time available can maybe provide a linky, but this comes up a lot ...</snip></snip>
Adobe FAQ
Here it is from Adobe (at least UK:-):
Question: What kind of processing speed is required to take advantage of this program: CS3 or 4? Also, same Q with LR2?
thanks, tom
ps: I have a Pentium 4 with 3GB RAm, but LR seems a bit doggy doing the brush~
With your hardware you'll never have to see the hourglass working in Bridge CS4 or ACR5.x
Cool. Is it worth the upgrade otherwise? I'm debating it...
However, I can only speak for myself. I'm known to stay with the current, so take my words with a huge grain of salt and make up your own mind.
-Fleetwood Mac
For academic use only under that on the opening screen.
Jane B.
Edit for PS: I should have included that I am in the USA.
I've just checked up on this, at least for those of us in the UK. If you buy the products identified as 'Student Version' on the UK Education site, you cannot use it for any commercial purpose, ever. If you buy a 'normal' version, but from the UK Edu site, at Edu price, you are able to use it for commercial purposes.
So, the cheaper products are perhaps not such good value as they appear!
I suspect there are legal or tax implications behind the licensing for the student edition. Otherwise, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
First, the point of educational discounts or student editions is to hook students on the software so that they will continue to use it after they've finished school. Restrictions on the use of the product make the software less appealing.
Second, enforcing the noncommercial clause is next to impossible. How exactly is Adobe going to determine whether or not money exchanges hands? Good luck with that. I suppose if they embedded the software version in the EXIF, and were willing to spend a lot of money monitoring pretty much all media, and were willing to alienate customers with false positives, they could give it a try. A far more sensible policy would be to look the other way except for the most egregious commercial uses.
It does look like the student edition is eligible for upgrade to the commercial version, which would make the whole thing moot. They do seem to have gone out of their way to make the whole thing confusing, though.
I was going to test how this works by DL a trial version for Mac and entering my windows serial number and seeing if that worked, but now that CS4 is "coming" they don't have any downloadable trials that I can see
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I've read that you can change platforms and upgrade at the same time (i.e., buy the Mac upgrade package in order to switch from Windows to Mac). I haven't tried it, though.
I have however changed platform. I had to call Adobe, fill out a form with all my serial numbers stating that I would remove the existing copies, etc., and fax it to them. They charged me for shipping, and a few weeks later I had the Mac version and a new serial number.
I managed to make things more difficult by sending them the wrong software, and I had to call them several times to straighten things out, but it eventually got sorted out. I have complained to people at Adobe about the process--there is no good technical reason why they can't do cross-platform licensing.
Here is the official info from Adobe for the USA/CAN purchase:
I jumped from CS2 PC to CS3 Mac. You a pay for the normal upgrade (assuming you have a legit PC version), and sign the ubiquitous LOD (Letter of Destruction), destroy the software, and they ship to you a full blown copy of the latest version on your new platform. Since you have to get it from Adobe they already have a record of the purchase, so you might as well register it. Which makes it easier to upgrade in the future.
-Fleetwood Mac