F4 and the Fantastic Voyage
As part of the dgrin shootout in Moab I had the pleasure of having a couple dgrinners fly into Phoenix AZ and spend a few days shooting on the way to Moab.
Aperture- is seen here modeling the latest is outdoor active wear

Out of nowhere he finds a rock genie and tries to run off with her!

I had to tell him that he could not run off with the rock genie but was allowed to take a few pictures for proof of such a rare encounter. :deal

Saturday we departed Phoenix at 3am to shoot in Sedona and then meet up with the 4th part of our group (Picture to appear later).
Dude!! Your in my frame!!

Shutter- really likes bright clothing :dunno

F-stop is not afraid to stand near the edge :huh

Aperture decides he wants that shot too!

ISO- showing how to stand on the edge.

You would think he was shooting an actual cannon with this pose

Ummm... yeah

We were shooting so much and in pretty remote parts of Arizona and Utah so it was usually late at night when we were driving into to find a place to sleep.

Unfortunately that often meant there was no place open to eat at. Wait what is that?? A 24hr Woody's Convience Store!! :barb
They check the cooler

F-stop giving Shutter the burrito

What a bunch of happy faces

DUDE!!! Aperture can really put away the food! (editors note: that burger traveled for 2 days and 150 miles before being eaten)

It says quality guaranteed!

Yummm... Mexican Food!

One thing I did notice is that Canon shooter tend to like to shoot in groups. :dunno

Almost can't see them with all that camo on.

The three classic poses in which you should shoot to obtain the optimal image. :deal
Aperture- is seen here modeling the latest is outdoor active wear

Out of nowhere he finds a rock genie and tries to run off with her!

I had to tell him that he could not run off with the rock genie but was allowed to take a few pictures for proof of such a rare encounter. :deal

Saturday we departed Phoenix at 3am to shoot in Sedona and then meet up with the 4th part of our group (Picture to appear later).
Dude!! Your in my frame!!

Shutter- really likes bright clothing :dunno

F-stop is not afraid to stand near the edge :huh

Aperture decides he wants that shot too!

ISO- showing how to stand on the edge.

You would think he was shooting an actual cannon with this pose

Ummm... yeah

We were shooting so much and in pretty remote parts of Arizona and Utah so it was usually late at night when we were driving into to find a place to sleep.

Unfortunately that often meant there was no place open to eat at. Wait what is that?? A 24hr Woody's Convience Store!! :barb
They check the cooler

F-stop giving Shutter the burrito

What a bunch of happy faces

DUDE!!! Aperture can really put away the food! (editors note: that burger traveled for 2 days and 150 miles before being eaten)

It says quality guaranteed!

Yummm... Mexican Food!

One thing I did notice is that Canon shooter tend to like to shoot in groups. :dunno

Almost can't see them with all that camo on.

The three classic poses in which you should shoot to obtain the optimal image. :deal

"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
this is awesome! I hope to add a few of mines tomorrow:-)
Aperture out.
Look they even help each other by providing a wind break in bad weather. Shutter did you thank Aperture for this?
Okay where the heck did Aperture run off to now??
Never mind.....
Canon guys they are too cute. Can someone make these three into a gif?
This is never a good sign!
Then when you find out it is $6.00 a gallon and Shutter misread the gallons for dollars
"Dude!! Do you know what I just did?" Check out that shirt!
Okay now for some skill shots
We all have seen stars before...
small ones
big ones....
but...... how about off a car- from a car- while both are traveling at 75mph through Navajo Land??
Yeap... that WAS part of Monument Valley
This is what happens when someone is late (again) and has to walk from one parking lot to another while the other three are drinking beers and laughing!!
More to come......
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
In case you don't know, part of his job is watching that the rock genie does not get away:
And occasionally teaching her a new tricks
And fixing her outfit:
Later that night Shutter arrived:
Mini shootout at Castle Rock:
We met with F/stop at Flagstaff and drove to Page:
Shutter is wondering what's wrong with his brand new 50D:
Iso is using his old good Oly:
F/stop always looks cool:
Shutter and Iso at Toadstools:
F/stop and Shutter discovered ancient petroglyphs:
Shutter in his favorite shooting position:
Iso is wondering what's gonna happen to the rock genie while his absense:
Iso and F/stop discussing Shutter speed over the HSB:
Shutter single-handedly pushes our poor Blue Bastard out of the sand trap:
Again, and again:
Finally F/stop comes to help and decreases the tire pressure:
Everybody busy:
Finally, Blue Bastard makes it through the trap:
F/stop is happy:
But not for long: now Blue Bastard has got some engine problem:
Problem resolved, and Iso drives the BB over a threshold:
Double-self portrait:
Shutter nails the "money shot":
In Canyon De Chelly there was no shortage of fully dressed very pretty native american ladies willing to pose for a group of total strangers:
Shutter takes his time:
Iso is always helpful:
Field lab - those macs work everywhere:
F/stop on the edge:
So is Iso:
Green Machine ran out of gas. F/stop and Shutter are facing $6 per gallon.
F/stop (and Sean - not from dgrin) at North Window Arch:
During the shootout F4 temporarily became F5 by acquiring a new member, Wide Angle:
F/stop at the Anticline:
Iso at the Anticline:
Shutter at the Anticline:
Ghost of F/stop:
Chain shooting: F/stop shoots Iso shooting Shutter shooting Aperture (me) shooting F/stop...
Enjoy! :-)
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However it does end up sounding like one of those beer commercials after a while.
"Dude, your in my shot"
"Umm Dude, can you back up a little bit?"
In the end you get so frustrated to just decide to shoot them!!
and then there are of course moments where you can't even shoot anymore because your eyes are teared up from laughing so hard (this happened a lot with this group).
WHAT THE......???
If he would have been wearing his yellow shirt he would have been invisible!!
A couple more of F-Stop
Another take on the Pathfinder shot
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Aperature & Rock Genie via SmugShot
In the name of Dgrin, F-Stop and Aperature stake claim to this rock in the desert (SmugShot)
Another perspective - Note you only see 2 of her 4-6 bodyguards
Doesn't he seem way too happy
-Fleetwood Mac
You know, it was great hanging with these guys, and I learned so much from them.
Here's Aperture showing an advanced tripod technique.
Shutter sneaks up on a canyon wall
ISO grabs a shot of him...
and looks pretty pleased with himself.
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Too funny!
I knew that four of you were having a great time and these photos prove it! Awesome!
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Keep em coming guys.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Ahem...... Did you think to maybe shoot the amazing rock pattern facing the other way?
a few minutes later............ Sure, now you do:pissed
Back to shooting in groups I see....
At HSB the following exchange occured:
"Hey Aperture, can I shoot from there?"
"I was here first, get your own rock!"
"Huh? That is pretty far down isn't it?"
"What are you looking at?"
The gratuitous butt shot
NO Aperture did not get thrown off the cliff. Here he is shooting a dead tree at Dead Horse Point.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Body language can often be quite revealing, and two things can be readily observed here. 1) ISO isn't impressed by scenic viewpoints, and 2) Shutter doesn't like people standing in his shot. :uhoh
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This is so wrong in so many ways!!
Awesome, awesome series. My ribs are so sore from laughing. It looks like you guys had a great time getting to Moab.
No, no, no Officer. I pushed him off the ledge after he made fun my of Oly, not because of the jokes about the Blue Bastard.
We're going wed wocks hunting, uh uh uh uh
F-Stop, are you sure there's a bathroom up there?
Yeah mock me & my butt may be cute...
But I got this guy in the process *
What rock?
Of course, Aperature wasn't just looking for the next red rocks shot ...
... but his next meal, preferably steak :eat
No this is not the road to Moab. So get out of my yard.
And take him with you!!!
ISO is confused. He keeps looking, hoping to find Kirsten Dunst
F-Stop tells ISO we are not "borrowing" the 'hoe in case the Blue Bastard gets stuck again.
A monument in process to Darth SLR (aka Aperature)
Aperature shooting God only know what
Advanced Exposure Bracketing san $1200 tripod & head
(but it is interesting how 2 people see the same scene differently - check out the lenses)
Aperature wondering why every keeps calling him 'Teddy' and what the hell is a Rough Rider.
More to come later. All shots taken with the 50D.
-Fleetwood Mac
F-Stop taking in the view on the way to Anitcline
F-Stop's favorite federal contract employee
ISO shooting a leaf on a tree
ISO and F-Stop grabbing shots for the Dead Tree Thread
Grimace, F-Stop & ISO vying to be the center of attention
Another persepctive
ISO doing a little drive-by shooting
"Come on, you can do it" F-Stop trying to get Aperture to jump
ISO et. al. being formally removed from, uh, led out of Canyonlands.
Shutter shooting Aperture (shooting ISO shooting F-Stop).
Confused? See earlier in the thread
Yeah, there was a lot of people shooting people shooting people shooting rocks (or dead trees, rock genies, Marc Stars, whatever). But it was fun!
You can't see the drool, but ISO wants to trade in the Blue Bastard for one of these. Send your contributions (non-tax deductible) via dgrin, and he will give you ride. Or buy some of his images you missed taking. Then he might let you touch it!
Thanks to F-Stop (kdog) for letting me ride with him most of the trip. I spent a lot of time with this view.
And one final shot:
It was truly fun to be part of this gang of four.
-Fleetwood Mac
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Looks like an amazing time!
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A lover of all things photography.
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Nik who? That is the consort of the Rock Genie.
-Fleetwood Mac