SOLD: Nikon D200: $600.00

SOLD:For sale: Nikon D200, price drop to $550.00. SOLD
This camera has just under 16k actuations according to software measuring such data. I have owned it for appx: 16 months, so about a thousand photos per month. it has two specks of black finish off at one corner of bottom which measure about 2mm each. I have left the clear viewing screen cover on it the entire time, so the viewing LCD is pristine.
No if's and's or buts, this thing performs as orginally designed and intended.
I take all sort of photos with it,
they can be viewed here:
It has performed well and I have enjoyed it. I bought a new toy today, so this one can go to a new home.
I only want to ship CONUS please. Add $15.00 for shipping /ins. I'll be fine with paypal.
cheers, tom
This camera has just under 16k actuations according to software measuring such data. I have owned it for appx: 16 months, so about a thousand photos per month. it has two specks of black finish off at one corner of bottom which measure about 2mm each. I have left the clear viewing screen cover on it the entire time, so the viewing LCD is pristine.
No if's and's or buts, this thing performs as orginally designed and intended.
I take all sort of photos with it,
they can be viewed here:
It has performed well and I have enjoyed it. I bought a new toy today, so this one can go to a new home.
I only want to ship CONUS please. Add $15.00 for shipping /ins. I'll be fine with paypal.
cheers, tom
tom wise
Thanks for posting here, and good luck. I am sure you will find it a good home.
Thanks d00d~
So are you saying that the black is off of the body or does it change the image taken?
thanks, tom
ps: and no, it doesn't affect the photo/ operation. It's a scuff on an outer corner~
Frame two shows the scuff marks, center screen. EXIF data shows time taken, etc~
cheers, tom
Yeah! Me neither d00d! Me Neither!
I promise if it weren't for the improved Low light of a newer camera, I would keep this camera. it has proven to me over and over it is ready to shoot it out! it has never burped, burbled or farted...If I go another two weeks with it, I'm keeping it.
For the noobs (or all, for that matter) that may read this...When I say low light I mean low available light. I shot a church here in NC earlier this year that, get this: HAd NO WINDOWS; None in the sanctuary. I still managed to pull of many decent photos of the ceremony, uh; sans flash too~!
So, that said, I just want to be able to use NO light with a bit more ease!
Thanks for the positive commentary~~tom
ps : Incidently the new cam came and had to go back within twenty minutes...I guess the twenty frames I shot cooked the shutter into a ERR back it went~
Sold here locally. $650, incl; 50mm 1.8 lens.