Dgrin policy on the Live.com / ebay promotion
MOD EDIT [18.oct.08] This thread is composed of a selection of posts
that were moved out of a for sale thread in Nikon-Land. This issue deserves
its own thread. See my posts below on the Dgrin "policy".
Good deal for someone, you should also think about putting up on ebay for a few bucks more so someone can grab the www.live.com 30% off !!!!
MOD EDIT [18.oct.08] This thread is composed of a selection of posts
that were moved out of a for sale thread in Nikon-Land. This issue deserves
its own thread. See my posts below on the Dgrin "policy".
Good deal for someone, you should also think about putting up on ebay for a few bucks more so someone can grab the www.live.com 30% off !!!!
So many toy's not enough money !
Nikon D300s. Nikon D40, Nikon FE, Nikon F
Ansco Ancoset Rangefinder, Rolleiflex TLR Sb800, sb400
Nikon 18-200 VR, nikon 18-55 II, Sigma 10 20 HSM, 50mm f1.8 ai-s, 50mm Non Ai f1.4
Nikon D300s. Nikon D40, Nikon FE, Nikon F
Ansco Ancoset Rangefinder, Rolleiflex TLR Sb800, sb400
Nikon 18-200 VR, nikon 18-55 II, Sigma 10 20 HSM, 50mm f1.8 ai-s, 50mm Non Ai f1.4
This recent live.com deal is popping up a lot, to the point that soon it's going on my spam list and will be deleted.
Well if its on ebay say for $700, and someone bought it for that with the 30% less, they would pay $490 for it, the Dgrinner would be getting a a better deal therfore could spend even more money on dgrinners items for sale..............Seems like a win win for everyone, did not mean to ruffell your feathers buddy, just trying to save some people some money.
Nikon D300s. Nikon D40, Nikon FE, Nikon F
Ansco Ancoset Rangefinder, Rolleiflex TLR Sb800, sb400
Nikon 18-200 VR, nikon 18-55 II, Sigma 10 20 HSM, 50mm f1.8 ai-s, 50mm Non Ai f1.4
Erik, whether or not Tom decides to put the camera on ebay makes no difference to me and is unimportant.
But what I do find important is this seemingly bitter attitude toward a program that could help some dgrinners save some cash in the long run. You're not the only one who seems to have this attitude toward the program, others too have shared your sentiment...is it that you don't understand the program or is it the program a violation of some guidelines that I just don't know (which is definitely possible) or something completely different...care to elaborate?
I hope it goes on the list sooner rather than later!
I listed my camera here for dgrinners.
Seems to me if I listed it here as "for sale somewhere else", is akin to going to my friends party and tell everyone about the great party down the street.
so enough already, buy my camera!:D
I appreciate the thought behind this, however, the point is that despite the savings, this is still an advertising scheme for Microsoft - you don't just get money or discounts for nothing. Clearly its working, look how many live.com links are scattered throughout the flea market this past week.
We have, and always will, maintain this as a peer-peer trading post. The forum as a whole also will never contain spam or advertising, even if the advertising is for reasonably good deals. I have to call a spade a spade, it's spam, maybe good spam, but still advertising spam.
Completely understand your point on how it is technically spam. And for what it's worth, I apologize for contributing to the perpetuation of spam.
Obviously the benefit to microsoft/live is the word-of-mouth it is creating, but I think that the "good" in this instance out weighs the bad. I mean why is sharing this any worse then others sharing any other "Deal" or "discounts Codes" or "loyalty program".
Erik, please correct me if I am wrong...(and I quite possibly am - I'm dense sometimes)...I would like you to help me understand this example and how it's bad for anyone involved....
Vinnie wants to sell a camera on dgrin for $600 including shipping and PP fees.
If he simply posts it and sells it on dgrin, the buyer pays $600 and gets the camera - Vinnie gets $600 and pays PP fees and shipping.
If Vinnie hears about the CB program and decides to put it on EB. He takes into account the EB and PP fees and puts it up on EB for $660. He posts it on dgrin and lets his friends know about the cb program.
A fellow dgrinner decides to use the cb program and Buys it now for $660 minus 30%(current discount). (660-198=462) So the buyer spends 660 and gets 198 back, therefore only paying 462 for the camera and Vinnie gets his original 600 plus the addition 60 to cover fees. That is a $138 savings for Vinnie's friend and fellow dgrinner.
So other than a few extra minutes on Vinnie's end to post it on ebay...and a little patience on the buyers end in getting the rebate, how is that bad?
What am I missing...please help me understand.
And I must add that I like this forum for it's lack thereof...
I'm not faulting anyone for doing their "job"...it's tough enough just keeping up with all the posts never mind policing them....
but...I really would like someone to please explain to me how this specific example is bad for fellow dgrinners...what am I missing. If you "can't" judge, I understand...as a mod, might not be the best thing to do...I get that....so if you can't, maybe someone else can tell me what I am missing.
Erik can you please do me a favor and please just respond to my other question:
I just want to make sure I'm not doing something against the rules...
Sharing deals/codes/etc is great, as you know we have the proper threads already setup for most categories already. In fact, that's great, encouraged, right on, help fellow dgrinners!
In this case, however, it was suggested to someone who had already posted a FS thread that he should use this deal and move this sale to ebay to use this deal.
Again, nothing outwardly wrong with the motivation, but its kinda like price policing, not something we like here. As you know, none of the recent FA threads using this deal have been "policed".
I think, I completely understand now.
It's not the fact that the CB program "was" mentioned, the issue is "where" it was mentioned.
Got it...thank you very much for your clarification. This helps me out a lot.
And thanks again for the tireless and mostly thankless job you do as Mod.
you better watch because the moderators will move this post for spam, mentioning Live.com is a NO NO here..............as posted by somepeople it breaks the rules
Nikon D300s. Nikon D40, Nikon FE, Nikon F
Ansco Ancoset Rangefinder, Rolleiflex TLR Sb800, sb400
Nikon 18-200 VR, nikon 18-55 II, Sigma 10 20 HSM, 50mm f1.8 ai-s, 50mm Non Ai f1.4
I DO BELIEVE that mentioning of live.com here in a for auction thread is ok.....I could b wrong but I hope not as this is an advertizment for something over at ebay........and that should be ok.
you're welcome
Can you help me understand...........You say it's spam on other people's posts but not this one...........Maybe there is some secert DGRIN society that everyone is not part of that has different rules............
Nikon D300s. Nikon D40, Nikon FE, Nikon F
Ansco Ancoset Rangefinder, Rolleiflex TLR Sb800, sb400
Nikon 18-200 VR, nikon 18-55 II, Sigma 10 20 HSM, 50mm f1.8 ai-s, 50mm Non Ai f1.4
Jason, seriously, it's not that big a deal. After moving these last few posts, the only deal is your (mis)interpretation of it.
I moved your first post here because YOU were the one spamming and telling someone to use an auction and a live.com discount (which you even linked for them - blatant free advertising, why would you do that?). This second time, the poster already had a FA thread, it was already on ebay, so fine, they suggested using the discount on their auction.