L brackets & battery grips

I'll be getting a RRS L bracket for my D700 soon and need to decide between the bracket that mounts directly to the camera, and one that mounts to the MB-D10 grip. I had the Batter grip version for my D200 and didn't have any issues with it but I was reading recently that L brackets that mount directly to the camera make for a more stable mount then those that mount to a grip. Like I said I never had an issue and from what I hear the MB-D10 mounts to the D700 more securely then the MB-D200 did to the D200. I was wondering what others experience or feelings on the subject might be.
"But you and I, we’ve been through that, and this is not our fate. - Dylan 1968"
Unfortunately I have no direct experience in L brackets.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
and without BG. The steadyness is absolutely identical. If your BG
attaches to your camera firmly and without play, I see little reason
to worry abou this.
― Edward Weston