Scandinavian letters to keywords
Please, add support for Scandinavian and German letters to keywords - you know ä,ö,ü etc. Keywords won't show words as Häijää or pyöriäinen or järvi right, insted you'll get something like Hij or pyriinen or jrvi...
Captions and other text-modules work fine.
But would there be markets also for russian or chinese support? And maybe all other alphabets, too...
PS. Häijää is a village near Tampere and pyöriäinen is a very rare delphin, järvi meaning a lake. We have lot's and lot's of these kind of words and names here in Finland - and don't forget the swedes or norvegians...
Captions and other text-modules work fine.
But would there be markets also for russian or chinese support? And maybe all other alphabets, too...
PS. Häijää is a village near Tampere and pyöriäinen is a very rare delphin, järvi meaning a lake. We have lot's and lot's of these kind of words and names here in Finland - and don't forget the swedes or norvegians...
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Flickr does it, though. Let's see if these URLs work:äijää/
Or the encoded version:
I've been waiting for Smugmug to add this for ages
Yep, this is something I want to see also.
(for us who use more/other characters than the ascii set it's somewhat comparable to writing English without the use of 'i', 'a' and 'o')
Jan Erik Moström
Since we're into excuses, I'll provide the next one for you
So it takes a database conversion. SmugMug has done hairier updates than converting a single database column to support UTF-8. It's simply needed for professional keywording - without UTF-8 support it's a bit of a toy.
Please, Smugmug, do a bit of growing up here!
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
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Please let us know how it goes.
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
Thanks, it would be most appreciated
Jan Erik Moström
And thanks!
The lack of special characters in keywords is a major issue with my use of Smugmug. Any improvements here would be very welcome!
smugmug galleries:
These crippled keywords are a show stopper for me.
OK. I remember special characters was a bitch when printing with MS-DOS 2.1 in 1986 (?).
Since then its been a question of small effort.
Just do it!
Yes, international characters are much needed! Please give it to us! How many more need to request this before you do something?
By the way, I'm impressed by the support team at SmugMug. Great work!
It wouldn't bee very intuitive if all users that wanted to search for pictures from Washington, actually had to type "Wshington", would it?
Still waiting for the support on this subject.
Jan Erik Moström
Hope you are considering adding this in the near future?
Hey, you forgot the KEYWORDS! We need international characters for keywords too.
I guess we can't get everything in one month, but next month...
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I am "noobie" on SM pro and i wish this feature will be in use soon
another question: If i like to link shots from my SM to forums and i have set up no easy linkin and no share as optional.
Is there another way to do it than everytime re-set these settings? Like i hope, when i sign in to my accont these setting will be set as "open". Hope your understand my typos
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I haven't been using keywords at all because I heard they're incompatible with passworded galleries... Or maybe they're not...!? *Cue conspriracy music* What's your verdict iamback?
I'm Swedish so I'll throw my support in for this regardless, for my Scandinavian bretheren without pw'd galleries.
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Any news on the scandinavian letters to keywords? It's really annoying not be able to use the keywords...
Jan Erik Moström