>DSS#10 Feedback Thread (Illustrating Text - A Dream Within A Dream)

<HR style="COLOR: #575757" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->As soon as the judges have made their top ten selections, their critiques will be added to this thread. The voting poll will be posted at that time also. In the meantime, post your own personal feedback and favorites here!
The challenge theme was: Illustrating Text - A Dream Within A Dream
Your judges were:
__________________________________________________ _____________
thebigsky - Feedback
#4 - PaulThomasMcKee - Hypnagogic state. Is reality naught but hallucination?
Subject, composition, crop and treatment all work here to produce a truly haunting and memorable image, powerful and emotive.
#5 - VelvtRide - Anguish
Good to see a contemporary take on the theme, made me think about dreams, aspirations, regrets and I liked the visual balance in this
#6 - kevXman - Enjoy today, tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Ok, I admit it I'm a sucker for benches and paths, I think the effect works well here, giving a dreamlike feeling to the image, an ethereal
quality and a narrative with a touch of mystery, very engaging.
#21 - Brundige - A maze of dreams
This works very well for me on many levels, personally these harsh, stark barriers remind me of the walls that seem to suddenly close in on you
in your mind when suffering great loss and grief, there is a way out but it seems impossible to find, the challenging placement of the
subject/focal point strongly emphasis the feeling of being small and lost, and the proximity of the front wall almost makes the viewer feel
they are shut out and unable to help, impressive stuff.
#25 - The Curious Camel - Transition...
A strong, emotive image, allowing the viewer to share an intimate moment, lovely soft light and technically very strong.
#26 - Eoren1 - How they creep; Through my fingers to the deep
Simple and effective, I like the composition and narrative.
27. AaronNelson - Amid Dreams We Wait
Firstly a lovely visual feast, technically strong, great composition and then there are plenty of details in there for the viewer, for me a
journey through time, the stars from the very beginnings of the universe to the age old weathered rock to the relative transience of the trees
and their new growth, gorgeous.
28. Sherstone - The Abyss
I don't think it's a secret that I'm no great fan of composites but when they are used well to produce an image as strong as this I can only
admire the work that's gone into producing the final result. Everything just works here resulting in a powerful, engaging image that you keep
coming back to, great stuff.
35. sbarge - Shattered Dreams
Good narrative, composition, I like the square crop and strong message delivered by this image.
39. Travis - A Mother's Nightmare: The Baby Collector
Supremely creepy, does what every good photograph should do, engages the viewer in an emotional manner, pulls you in and makes you think, very
strong stuff.
__________________________________________________ _____________
Greensquared - Feedback
#4 - PaulThomasMcKee - Hypnagogic state. Is reality naught but hallucination?
I really liked the feel of this. Descriptive, yet still open for further interpretation. Well done.
#6 - KevXmas - Enjoy today, tomorrow is not guaranteed
A quiet feel with a strong message. Really, really nice.
#8 - SherwinJames - connecting to a dream
Awesome composition and light. Great emotion and technically sound.
#11 - Grly - Everything has slipped away
Really nice simple yet strong comp. Very nice.
#16 - richtersl - Lost Love
Love it! Very dreamy feel with darker emotive undertones.
#27 - AaronNelson - Amid Dreams We Wait
#28 - sherstone - The Abyss
Absolutely oustanding. I cannot even describe how extremely well done this is, both in idea and in execution. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
#33 - ifocus - The lost hope
I love this. Heavyness with the perfect "light at the end of the tunnel". I could look at this one for quite some time.
#34 - Llywellyn - Happily Never After
Nice work with the combined IR and aged feel.
#45 - Roaddog 52 - River of life, the thin line between nothing and eternity
This one totally captivated me and struck me very close to an image I had in my head with this poem. When you look at any particular area, it seems to come more into focus, but as a whole, it is very unclear.
The challenge theme was: Illustrating Text - A Dream Within A Dream
Your judges were:
__________________________________________________ _____________
thebigsky - Feedback
#4 - PaulThomasMcKee - Hypnagogic state. Is reality naught but hallucination?
Subject, composition, crop and treatment all work here to produce a truly haunting and memorable image, powerful and emotive.
#5 - VelvtRide - Anguish
Good to see a contemporary take on the theme, made me think about dreams, aspirations, regrets and I liked the visual balance in this
#6 - kevXman - Enjoy today, tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Ok, I admit it I'm a sucker for benches and paths, I think the effect works well here, giving a dreamlike feeling to the image, an ethereal
quality and a narrative with a touch of mystery, very engaging.
#21 - Brundige - A maze of dreams
This works very well for me on many levels, personally these harsh, stark barriers remind me of the walls that seem to suddenly close in on you
in your mind when suffering great loss and grief, there is a way out but it seems impossible to find, the challenging placement of the
subject/focal point strongly emphasis the feeling of being small and lost, and the proximity of the front wall almost makes the viewer feel
they are shut out and unable to help, impressive stuff.
#25 - The Curious Camel - Transition...
A strong, emotive image, allowing the viewer to share an intimate moment, lovely soft light and technically very strong.
#26 - Eoren1 - How they creep; Through my fingers to the deep
Simple and effective, I like the composition and narrative.
27. AaronNelson - Amid Dreams We Wait
Firstly a lovely visual feast, technically strong, great composition and then there are plenty of details in there for the viewer, for me a
journey through time, the stars from the very beginnings of the universe to the age old weathered rock to the relative transience of the trees
and their new growth, gorgeous.
28. Sherstone - The Abyss
I don't think it's a secret that I'm no great fan of composites but when they are used well to produce an image as strong as this I can only
admire the work that's gone into producing the final result. Everything just works here resulting in a powerful, engaging image that you keep
coming back to, great stuff.
35. sbarge - Shattered Dreams
Good narrative, composition, I like the square crop and strong message delivered by this image.
39. Travis - A Mother's Nightmare: The Baby Collector
Supremely creepy, does what every good photograph should do, engages the viewer in an emotional manner, pulls you in and makes you think, very
strong stuff.
__________________________________________________ _____________
Greensquared - Feedback
#4 - PaulThomasMcKee - Hypnagogic state. Is reality naught but hallucination?
I really liked the feel of this. Descriptive, yet still open for further interpretation. Well done.
#6 - KevXmas - Enjoy today, tomorrow is not guaranteed
A quiet feel with a strong message. Really, really nice.
#8 - SherwinJames - connecting to a dream
Awesome composition and light. Great emotion and technically sound.
#11 - Grly - Everything has slipped away
Really nice simple yet strong comp. Very nice.
#16 - richtersl - Lost Love
Love it! Very dreamy feel with darker emotive undertones.
#27 - AaronNelson - Amid Dreams We Wait
#28 - sherstone - The Abyss
Absolutely oustanding. I cannot even describe how extremely well done this is, both in idea and in execution. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
#33 - ifocus - The lost hope
I love this. Heavyness with the perfect "light at the end of the tunnel". I could look at this one for quite some time.
#34 - Llywellyn - Happily Never After
Nice work with the combined IR and aged feel.
#45 - Roaddog 52 - River of life, the thin line between nothing and eternity
This one totally captivated me and struck me very close to an image I had in my head with this poem. When you look at any particular area, it seems to come more into focus, but as a whole, it is very unclear.
Psalm 62:5-6
Here's my top 9. By far my top pick was from Grly - "Everything has slipped away" which I felt was such a simple yet powerful image it really blew me away.
Good luck everyone.
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Good luck to everyone!
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
These, in my view, best captured the spirit of the poem:
It was a challenging challenge.
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Wow! I am not even sure what to say! Thank you for sharing how my image made you feel. It's fantastic to receive this kind of feedback! You have just made my day
"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
----Ruth Ann Schubacker
#3 My Heart cries out by JAG
#6 Enjoy today, tomorrow is not guaranteed by KevXman
#9 Gothic dreamer by divamum
#11 Everything has slipped away by Grly
#16 Lost Love by richtersl
#26 How they creep; Through my fingers to the deep by eoren1
#34 Happily Never After by Llywellyn
My top 10. Even though there were fewer entries than the last couple of rounds, I still found it very hard to select; there were several other images that I really liked and could easily have included instead of some of these -there were definitely more than 10 contenders for the top 10 IMO. There were also several images which I liked but I couldn't relate to the text and so I had to rule them out.
In order of posting:
Lost Time (Ilbcnu)
Anguish (Velvtride)
Enjoy today, tomorrow is not guaranteed (KevXman)
Melting Reality (Woman with a Camera)
Connecting to a Dream (Sherwin James)
7th Plane (Pyroprints)
Lost Love (Richtersl)
Transition (The Curious Camel)
The Abyss (Sherstone)
Slipping Away (Swintophoto)
Images I loved but that didn't quite make the theme for me (but I thought they were so cool I'll give them their own separate category
Slipping away (grly)
Happily Never After (llewellyn)
A maze of dreamns (Brundige)
Behind the Scenes (should this be another thread, or is here ok?)
As I've written (babbled!) about in other threads, limitations on my time in the last two weeks (as well as equipment, and insufficient technique to turn my ideas into quality pictures) meant that I never got to doing the other ideas in my head, a couple of which I'm happy to see that other people also had and DID turn into pictures!
Some of the ideas that never made it to life:
- the "kiss upon the brow" immediately made my mind jump to a child, somehow, and I wanted to incorporate that. One idea was me looking into a mirror but having the reflection be my daughter's face (we look very alike) and title it something like "Looking back" or "Turn back the clock" but there was never a time in this period to set it up as a shoot and get the images (plus I question whether my limited skills and lighting equipment could have created what I wanted to see).
- I also thought of using her as a model of a dying or dead child laid out in a bed, set-dressed and costumed Victorian style (although I think it would make a good illustrative image, this creeped me out too much to even consider doing it in reality. I'm not superstitious, but the musicians among us will know what I mean if I say I kept thinking about Kindertotenlieder and it just weirded me out too much!).
- Then I thought of maybe dressing up my husband in a fedora and trenchcoat and have him "saying goodby" to sleeping child, but neither of them were ever available at the same time to model it, so that one never made it to life either. I also thought of trying to get a shot of a street person, or a military cemetary (both of which I see other folks did).
- the dollar store is filled with Halloween stuff at the moment, and there was a glowstick necklace in the shape of a heart - I even tried shooting that so I could make it a "Tell Tale Heart" but it didn't look at all the way I hoped it would when photographed (it just looked cheap and like what it was instead of the spooky glowing I'd hoped for!), and it wasn't a strong enough starting point to justify spending lots of time tweaking it.
The Poe grave, since it's nearby, was the first practical and do-able thought I had. My initial plan - before I saw the reality - was just to get a really good photo of that in isolation, but it is in possibly the LEAST photogenic place you can imagine! Busy street to one side, informational placards all around, and barely any space to step back from it and get a good angle from any side (and I don't have a wide angle lens
Anyway, at that point I realised I wasn't going to have much more shooting time, and would have to come up with a way of transforming the grave images into something ... and the hourgrlass dropped into my mind. I figured since it was Poe that surreal and spooky would be a reasonable jump, so decided to abandon all thoughts of realism and go for it as a composite. Then I couldn't find a pretty - or large enough - hourglass, and realised this was going to be an exercise in "making do" on this occasion, so in the end I decided to consider it an exercise in learning photoshop and just do as much with it as I could. I'm still not satisfied with the final image (oh, how I wanted a pretty hourglass!), but as a PS exercise it was a total success because I know SO much more about how to use the program than I did two weeks ago!
In any case, I really enjoyed this challenge. More please!!!
Here are my top picks
Gosh there we so many that where great its impossible to make it down to a few.... Nice work everyone! Thank you to all who included mine in their favs.
Below are my favorites. I had a hard time keeping it to just 10.
This was a hard round. Here is my top ten. All the entries were fantastic!
Thank you very much for including mine in your top picks.
Thank you very much for including mine in your top picks.:D
Wonderful job to everyone and good luck!
and Jag for including me in your top ten. I am honored...
Peace always, Gail
Although there were a large number of very strong pics entered that I really liked, only two immediately reached out and grabbed me as being visually stunning and fitting the theme to a tee... Nikolai's and Sherstone's entries.
Hard competition and so many different ways to interpret the poem! Finally after three tries I came up with my favorites - in no particular order~
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
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Good luck to you all!
Thank you to the following for putting me in their favs lists...
great job on such a beautiful portrait.
Thanks for the comments. Much appreciated
Just can't seem to get one past the judges though.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Thanks to KevXman for including me in your top picks!:D
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Makes the shot almost worth the work it took to clean up the mud I accidentally kicked onto my camera two minutes after shooting this frame
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THANK YOU everyone who chose "The Abyss" as one of their top 10 or even less in some cases. I am blown away at the response that it has received so far!
And Thank you Emily for your Glowing feedback!
This has been one of my favorite rounds so far.
Here is my wheel of picks... Round and round she goes where she stops no one knows!
Good Luck to the finalists!
Good luck to everyone that made it to the finals.
— Kevin
P.S. Special thanks goes to JAG for suggesting the title that I ended up using. It was under my nose, er, signature the whole time!
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