Which shot do you prefer?
Hey all,
These aren't my shots, but I agreed to post them here to get your opinions. (Hence, they're posted with permission).
Here are two versions of the same shot. The first is the original, and the second is a crop. Which do you prefer?


These aren't my shots, but I agreed to post them here to get your opinions. (Hence, they're posted with permission).
Here are two versions of the same shot. The first is the original, and the second is a crop. Which do you prefer?


Photographs by Dixie
| Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
(Ok, I voted. Now, will those people please stop hounding me?
So far we have two votes for the full shot, and one vote from Ric on the crop.
Ric, you surprised me with your vote, as you often post environmental shots with wildlife. Your recent eagle shot at the beach (sorry I haven't gotten around to leaving a comment yet) is one such fine example.
Anybody else want to vote?
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"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
Shooter on a shoestring.
That was my feeling as well.
Link to my Smugmug site
Jase // www.stonesque.com
You got me, Joel.
I was trying to have it both ways on my crop. Bring the bird closer and include enough of the mist for feeling. I can see now that excluding the upper area was a mistake and hereby retract my vote and agree with Dixie's assessment!
Oops, I just realized you'd posted YOUR OWN crop of that shot. What a dummy I am. I thought you had linked in the second shot. So actually your original vote was for neither version, but a crop half-way between. Now I understand.
Link to my Smugmug site
I agree with Dixie on this one. Nice shot.